NBC: New Poll Means Obama Presidency is Over

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A new WSJ/NBC News poll shows the POS’s approval rating has dropped to 41%, with a majority of Americans disapproving and only 37% approving of his handling of foreign policy issues.

Americans now think Obama’s administration is less competent than the Bush White House post-Hurricane Katrina. 54% of Americans say they’ve lost faith in Barack Obama’s ability to lead this country.

The POS has also lost support from Hispanics, despite (or perhaps because of) his letting a tidal wave of illegals — unaccompanied minors and criminal gangs — flood across the U.S.-Mexican border at a rate of a breathtaking 35,000 a month into Texas alone.

Instead of deporting the unaccompanied minors, Obama’s Health & Human Services (HHS) is releasing them to their adult family members in the United States who are also here illegally. To add insult upon injury, HHS is not making even a minimum effort to determine the immigration status of the adult family members.

The survey results are so bad for Obama that NBC News’ Chuck Todd said yesterday that the poll basically means the public has declared the Obama presidency to be over.

Todd said, “This poll is a disaster for the president. You look at the presidency here: Lowest job rating, tied for the lowest; lowest on foreign policy. His administration is seen as less competent than the Bush administration, post-Katrina. On the issue of do you believe he can still lead? A majority believe no. Essentially the public is saying your presidency is over.”

Meanwhile, Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) said on Monday that there probably are “enough votes” in the House of Representative to impeach Obama. “He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,” Barletta told a local radio host.

After the Democratic National Committee attacked Barletta, however, the Congressman whimped out and had his communications director Tim Murtaugh say that Barletta thinks taking a vote to impeach the president would be “harmful.”

“Could that [impeachment] pass the House? Probably. Would the Senate ever convict? Certainly not,” Murtaugh said on behalf of his boss.
