Nazi Support in the West Rises to a Feverish Pitch

Posted on the 02 February 2015 by Calvinthedog


A war is going on in the Ukraine. A fascist, specifically National Socialist, regime has taken power in Ukraine, installed by a US-NATO coup in an effort to provoke Russia. Russians have been fighting Nazis for a long time now, and the installation of a genocidal Nazi regime next door that immediately set out threatening Russia, claiming large tracts of Russian land, threatening to fire nuclear weapons at Russia, and issuing repeated “kill the Russians” calls (this calls were actually “knives for the Moskals”) set off alarm bells in Russia.

The Russians in far eastern Ukraine were outraged at the genocidal rhetoric aimed at them and new laws which declared them enemies in their own country. Their language was forbidden. The pro-Russian political parties were banned, their members beaten, tortured and murdered or driven out of the country. In one case, the Nazis attacked the Ukrainian Communist Party who took refuse a labor union building.

The party members were chained to objects in the building and then the building was set on fire. Over 100 peaceful peaceful pro-Russian protestors were chased into a labor union building in Odessa and then trapped in the building. The building was set on fire. Nazis invaded the building and murdered everyone they could find. Most were killed with gunshots but some were beaten to death and a pregnant woman was strangled with  wire. All of the women were raped before being killed.

The bodies were then set on fire to prevent them from being identified. Over 130 people were murdered this way. Some tried to escape the inferno by jumping out of the burning building, but they died after jumping out of windows. Some survived to the fall but were beaten to death after they landed on the ground and tried to run away. Bystanders stood by and shot pro-Russians as they appeared in windows. Others threw Molotov cocktails.

The US, especially the CIA, supported this attack. The Nazi government constructed a gigantic lie about how the protestors set themselves on fire and how the protestors were all Russian intelligence agents. Every Western government and media organ repeated these lies in whole.

Some of the people managed to escape. All of the victims of the attack were called “terrorists” and were blamed for the killing their own fellow protestors which was actually done by the enemy. Warrants were issued for their arrest. A number were hunted down and murdered. Others were arrested and sentenced to long sentences on “terrorism” charges of having suffered the misfortune of almost being killed by Nazi gangs. To this day, the ferociously pro-Nazi CIApedia repeats a total lie version of the event that was cooked up by the Nazi regime.

After Slavyansk was captured, all men were taken to “filtration camps.” These camps were set up by the Nazis under the advice the Rand Corporation, a CIA outfit that issued a paper telling the Nazis what vicious means to use to fight the partisans. At the camps, attempts were made to determine if the men had been partisans or had helped the partisans.

If they had been partisans or had helped the partisans, they were killed. A number of women were also arrested on charges of helping the partisans and all female relatives of partisans, especially wives and mothers, were arrested. Some were executed. The fate of others is not known. To this date, it is not known if any of the Slavyansk men have returned.

Many of the remaining people fled the town. People returning later found that most of the dwellings in the town were inhabited by Nazi settlers from Western Ukraine. The Nazi government told people that they were driving out the terrorists and their supporters and that anyone who went over there would be rewarded with a house and whatever else they could steal.

So in this sense you see, this fascist conquest was very similar to the fascist Nakba conquest by Jewish fascists in 1948 Israel, when Arabs were driven out of their homes and their homes and possessions were taken over by Jewish settlers. It is also very similar to the various fascist ethnic cleansings that took place in the former Yugoslavia.

In cities occupied by the Nazis, terror was unleashed. In Mariupol, a number of young women were raped and murdered, apparently just for fun. Citizens were frequently arrested on little or no charges since it is assumed that they support the separatists.

The Nazis in Mariupol act like hostile invaders. They go into stores and steal whatever they want. They pull out guns and steal any car they want to, often carjacking it from the driver. Citizens are shot regularly. It is similar to the West Bank occupation by the fascist Jews in Israel where they regularly brutalize the native Arabs. This behavior is typical for an army occupying a town considered to be full of hostile citizens who support the enemy.

The shelling of cities has been done by the Nazis from the very start. The intent is apparently simply to terrorize the residents, kill and wound as many as possible and make the rest flee so the cities and towns can be emptied of their population so that the Nazi civilian settler-colonists can come in and take over and settle the city by taking over everyone’s homes.

This is also similar to what the fascist Jews did in 1948-49. They shelled and attacked cities until the residents fled in terror and then the Jews moved in and took over the city. They town, emptied of its residents, would then by populated by Jewish settler-colonists. So you see, the Ukrainian Nazis are doing to the Russian partisans exactly what the Jewish fascists did to the Arabs during the Nakba. The mechanisms are the same.

On July 17, 2014, the Nazis and the US, with the possible assistance of NATO, conspired to shoot down a Malaysian passenger jet in order to blame it on the Russians and the partisans. The false flag operation by the US and its Nazi allies was very successful.

Every single Western government and media outlet bought the phony lying story that was immediately put out that the jet was shot down by a partisan BUK missile instead of the truth which was that the jet was shot down by a Nazi jet probably with the assistance of the US. The investigation by NATO and US allies in the EU was then completely botched in an apparent coverup of the crime by their Nazi friends. So all of NATO worked together with the Nazis and the US to coverup the Nazi shootdown of the jet.

Various other crimes were pinned on the Novorussian antifa partisans who took up arms to defend against Nazi invasion of their land in the same way that their grandfathers defended the Nazi invasion of their land 70 years ago. In every case, the killing of civilians was done by the Nazis, but it was always pinned on the antifas. All Western governments and media outlets have gone along with these Nazi attempts to frame the antifas.

Support for the Nazis is at a feverish pitch in the West. All Western governments are extremely pro-Nazi, and all Western media outlets are taking a strong pro-Nazi stance. Too bad Hitler missed out on this! He would have enjoyed this dispensation. Never before has the West been so uniformly and determinedly pro-Nazi. Nazi allied government in NATO are issuing louder and louder cries to arm their Nazi friends, especially now as the partisans are dealing some serious blows to the Nazis on the battlefield.