Blogging the Nature Conservation News
Nature conservation is the great challenge of our time. Human beings are imposing the great death, the sixth mass extinction of Earth’s creatures. As citizen naturalists, we respond by volunteering to help specialists acquire real-world information, and repair damaged and invaded ecosystems. We also advise and direct our leaders using letters, petitions, and demonstrations. Effective response requires current information.
I’ve designed RebelMouse newsletters that summarize the news in continuous streams. The newsletters automatically display stories from sources that I pre-select. I choose sources that report on relevant subjects and that have high standards for honesty and presentation quality. The editorial slant follows the Land Ethic.
The newsletters are more current and complete than my blog ever was. They are easy to scan for interesting stories, and I can add information and insights. A click shares the stories on social-media.
Following or subscribing to the newsletters produces a daily email, but I recommend bookmarks instead.
You are welcome to share the newsletters and to send me comments on the stories and sources.
Thank you.
Here’s the news:
Nature Conservation News: Animals, animal-rights, biodiversity, habitats, human impacts, wildlife, and many related topics.
Climate News: Climate change, global-warming, storms, human impacts, etc.
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