"Realize that most of the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit were not done in believer's meetings or in church services at all, but they happened while people were out about their business in the real word."
In Naturally Supernaturalauthor and Pastor, Duke Taber takes a balanced, radical middle approach towards "how to have spiritual gifts operate in your life without looking like a hyper spiritual nut case or throw out biblical literacy."
He carefully examines scripture used on both sides to answer the question, "Are spiritual gifts for today?"
Additionally discussed are:
- Motivation behind spiritual gifts
- Difference between filled with the Spirit and Spirit-filled
- How Jesus used the gifts and their use in the early church
- The real purpose of prophecy
- Two different aspects to speaking in tongues
- Importance of dying to self in using spiritual gifts.
I especially like this quote about how spiritual gifts are to be used in everyday life:
"If used lovingly it can be used to open the eyes and make people today more receptive to what you have to say concerning the gospel. It has a way of breaking down the natural barrier's people sometimes put up when being told the gospel message."
And on healing:
Gifts of Healings (notice the plural!) "The power is not in the office. Each time a healing occurred in the early church, it was used as an open door to spread the gospel of Jesus."How do I know about the radical middle? Well, after living in both a very traditional, but spiritually dead environment for years followed by a "hanging from the chandeliers, larger than life, walking in The Spirit, Jesus-freak" lifestyle, I've come to a place of balance between the Logos and the Rhema word of God.
"I believe that the proper use of healing is both evangelistic and pastoral."
If you are on the fence concerning spiritual gifts or know someone who is, I highly recommend this ebook!
You can also read more of Duke's work at Taber's Truths.
This was an unsolicited review. I received no compensation, other than storing up treasures in Heaven.SPECIAL OFFER FOR Homeschool Circus SUBSCRIBERS through October 31: Use code LISAtips for a $19.99 discount when you buy any curriculum CD Library plus Spanish Empire library. This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.com.