Natural(ish) Beauty

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk

Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wash | prescription Clindamycin Gel 1% (a LIFESAVER for adult acne) | Alba Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer 
I've always hated been jealous of women with  flawless complexions. They roll out of bed, put on a little mascara and lipstick and bam! They're fabulous. No foundation. No concealer. Nada. They have invisible pores, smooth, even-toned skin, and there's never a zit in sight.
They're living the dream, in my book.
I, my friends, am not one of these bitches women. Without some sort of coverup, my skin is blotchy, bumpy, and I always have at least one pimple. Don't get me wrong -- I know it could be a million times worse and this is definitely a #biancaproblem -- a hashtag Jack coined for all my ridiculous "problems" -- because honestly, all it takes is some concealer, foundation, and powder for me to fake decent (but never flawless!) skin. Yes, I'm my own worst critic and most people (Jack) would say this is all in my head. That no one notices whether I'm wearing foundation or not. While that may be true, it would be nice if I could see it.
So recently I stopped wearing coverup daily. Drastic, I know. While the rest of my makeup routine is the same -- I do love my mascaras, lipsticks, eye shadows, etc. -- the base is just some acne meds and plain moisturizer.
I admit, the first few days were jarring. Every time I looked in the mirror I gasped. But about a week into it, my skin is starting to look better. Maybe I'm just adjusting to my natural ... "beauty" ... but I am definitely no longer frightened by own complexion. It's not good enough for me to post pictures on the internet or good enough for me to stop wearing makeup when I go out/in pictures, but it is good enough for me to not completely hate my skin. And I think that's a pretty good step!
What about you, ladies? Are you a natural gal or do you wear some sort of coverup/foundation daily?Are you blessed with flawless skin? What's your secret -- and please don't say "drink lots of water" (That's not a secret. Who doesn't drink lots of water these days?!)