Psoriasis, a skin condition with red patch which is dry and itchy in nature, is non-infectious and inflammatory. It is derived from Greek word 'Psora' means itch or scale and ' Iasis' defines condition. It is chronic in nature, characterized by erythematous (reddish) demarcated papule covered with silver scaly patches.This condition happens due to increase in skin layer proliferation due to uncontrolled division of cells in the skin in its basal layer.
Psoriasis, an auto-immune disease misread the skin cells as pathogen, and sends out faulty signals which stimulates the increased division of skin cells.
Areas affected are scalp, ears, elbows, genitalia and on the palm and feet.
Different Types of Psoriasis:
Psoriasis as per Ayurveda says :
Ayurveda explains Psoriasis occurs due to vitiation of two doshas- vata and kapha. This causes accumulation of toxins in the deeper tissues of skin like rasa (nutrient plasma), rakta (blood), mansa (muscles), and lasika (lymphatic). This contamination of deeper tissues causes Psoriasis.
Some Causes for Psoriasis :
Exact causes or etiology of Psoriasis is not known but certain factors are considered to be the reason for this condition:
- Infections such as streptococcal infection.
- Psychological stress and emotional stress.
- Hormonal changes as in pregnancy.
- Certain Drugs: Beta blockers, NSAIDS, Anti-depressant, Corticosteroid therapy withdrawal, Alcoholic beverages etc.
- Traumatized or injured skin.
- Sunburns.
- Genetic factors and Family history
- Smoking and Tobacco also enhances its effect
Symptoms of Psoriasis :
Complication occurring in Psoriasis
Scratching done to relieve itching may cause skin infections and thickening of the skin.
Restricted Diets in Psoriasis:
- Abstain from acidic (sour) foods, citrus fruits (mango, lemon) , apple, , grapes, tomato, pineapple, pickles, buttermilk and curd
- Keep your diet free of fermented food and bakery products.
- Avoid using whey and refined flour in your diet.
- Stop use of cold drinks, ice creams, fast food (like pizzas), sauces, Ketchup and even fried foods.
- Fruit jams, preserved juices or preserved foods should be avoided in diet.
- Avoid sweets, chocolates and paneer.
- Dried fruits (except almonds and raisins) to be avoided
- Stop alcohol and tobacco use.
- Avoid the use of common salt, it can be replaced with little use of rock salt.
- Avoid the use of red and green chilies, chili powder, garlic, onion, etc.
- Stop having milk shakes, fruit salad, and milk after eating fruits for half an hour.
Herbs useful in Psoriasis treatment:
- Aloe Vera- Helpful in reducing redness and itching in Psoriasis.
- Capsaicin - Ingredient in Chillies helpful in reduction of pain, inflammation, redness and scaling.
- Guggul - Having anti- inflammatory and lipid lowering properties, which is helpful in removing fats and excessive fluids in the skin.
- Turmeric - Useful being an anti- inflammatory and antioxidant.
- Neem - Useful in purifying blood and a good detoxifier, enhances body's immune system.
Herbal formulations available in Planet Ayurveda for Psoriasis.
Ingredients - Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica), rich in fibers and carbohydrates.
Benefits - It is very efficacious for skin problems. It is beneficial to lessen disturbed Pitta, Vatta and Kapha doshas. It's a good blood purifier and an anti-oxidant as well.
It boosts up the immune system also. It also acts as anti-arthritic it relieves from inflammation and pain.
Dose: 1 cap twice daily with plain water after meal.
- A pure herbal formulation without any added chemical in to it.
Ingredients (herbs) - Amla, Haritaki, Baheda, Vacha, Neem, Majistha, Kutaki, Giloy and Daruharidra.
Benefits: It contains triphala which helps to remove the toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system too. It removes the toxins from the body.
- Neem, kutaki, majistha are blood purifier which help to corrects the metabolism of the body.
- Giloy act as an immunomodulator and improves immunity whereas Daruharidra is anti-inflammatory herb.
Dose: 1 teaspoon once daily with plain water after meal.
Ingredients: Amalaki, Bihibitaki, Haritaki, Guggul (resin), Guduchi, ginger, Black pepper, Long Pepper, Vidhanga, Indian jalp and Red Physic Nut.
Benefits: Triphla, a good anti-biotic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and booster of immune system.
- Black Pepper helpful in decreasing pain and inflammation.
- Long pepper- useful in respiratory disorders.
- Vidhanga, blood purifier.
Dose: 2 Tablets twice daily with plain water after meal.
- MaintainS healthy skin, hair and nails.
Ingredients: Majistha, Pit papada, Chirata, Ghritkumari.
Benefits: Majistha, herb- Effective in treatment of skin disorders due to its rejuvenative property.
- Pit-papada an analgesic and anti-inflammatory
- Chirata maintains the balance of three doshas of the body, acting as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.
- Ghritkumari, maintains the balance of the body system, stimulates the defense and adaptive mechanism of the body. Good wound healer. It also helps in rejuvenating the skin, by supplying oxygen to the skin cells, improves the flow of blood to the skin and strengthen the skin.
Dose: 2 Cap twice daily with plain water after meal.
5. RADIANT SKIN LOTION:- Treating psoriasis by reducing skin patches.
Dose: Apply locally morning and evening on the affected area.
- Used as bathing soap. It removes the impurities out of the skin.
Dose: Gentle Massage on the affected part while bathing.