I decided that I would only use the softener until he pooped easily a couple of times. Then I turned to some more natural remedies. I looked to my handy dandy "The Baby Book" by Dr. Sears and spoke to someone at my local health food store for some ideas.
What we use:
Flax Oil - Besides being a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, it helps move the bowels along. One teaspoon per day mixed into a puree or yogurt does the trick!
Probiotics - Balances the micro flora in the intestinal tract.We put 1/2 tsp. in about 4 ounces of water and let him sip it throughout the day.
Water - I make water available with every meal as well as throughout the day. Water helps with moving things along in the intestines.
High Fiber Fruits and Vegetables - We typically use peaches, pears, and prunes.
These four things seem to be helping Baby J to be more regular. He still gets hard stools sometimes (especially when I forget to give him his flax oil or let him eat too many rice puffs - he loves those things.), but overall I am really pleased with the results. These things aren't hard to do, but make a big difference.
I would love to learn about some of the other remedies out there. What do you use for your little one?