Natural Office Décor Tips and Advice

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Natural office décor tips and advice

There are so many offices out there that have very little to offer clients in terms of visual appeal. Plain walls with one or two pictures and a coffee table with old magazines simply will not cut it any longer! It's time to spruce things up and welcome nature into your workplace with these office décor tips.

Welcome your clients

The most important of all office décor tips is to make your business warm, welcoming and appealing to your clients. Fresh flowers are perfect for making your reception area inviting. It's also great for adding colour to an otherwise dull room. When choosing flowers for your reception area, it's best to avoid those with loads of pollen. Choose flowers with heavy pollen that will not float through the air or, better yet, have your florist remove pollen from the flowers you order. This is not possible with all flowers, so ask your flower expert for their help.

Improve dull office spaces

This is another one of the best office décor tips to remember. Decorating your employee's work areas is important if you want to improve their working environment. When you improve their office space, it will make work more of a pleasure and this encourages productivity.

Give restrooms a fresher look

Even your bathrooms can use some colour and fresh décor. You wouldn't place a large bouquet in the bathroom but a splash of colour will certainly make the bathroom more welcoming and appealing to visitors. While nobody wants to spend hours in the bathroom, it's never great when you enter a plain bathroom with nothing to offer in terms of décor. It can even make the room seem unclean or untended to. Place a bud arrangement in a safe spot and you will notice an instant transformation.

Flower subscriptions

Of all the office décor tips, flower subscriptions will help you save money. When you invest in a flower subscription, you can choose from various plans. Each of which will offer amazing savings and fantastic bouquets that will be delivered on a regular basis. You will have a new bouquet to display regularly and you get to enjoy a beautiful surprise with every delivery.

Potted plants

If you want some natural décor in your office that will last longer than a couple of weeks, then potted plants are perfect for your office. Different types of plants require different conditions such as light and water. Make sure that you understand the needs of the plant before you buy it. If you are worried about plants perishing, succulents are the easiest to care for and they look amazing. They also grow slower than most other plants so you don't have to worry about them outgrowing their pot too soon.

With these natural office décor tips and advice, you will have a beautiful and warm working environment to enjoy every day! Your employees will have a more positive attitude and your clients will love to visit too.