Obviously, this post is for my non-hijabi readers, especially non-Muslims. Us, hijabis, already have our own crowning glory: hijab. For those who are looking for natural-looking wigs, well, read on.
I have friends who like wearing wigs, either to achieve the locks they wanted or to have a shiny long hair. If I were not a hijabi, I sure would try wigs and hair extensions. They are very helpful in achieving any look you would like to pull off. When you have an occasion to attend and your hair style is not what you wanted for the event, wigs are really of great help.
Lately, I've stumbled upon this wigs shop in the net. Well, I am one of a kind researcher. I could just research about anything - from fashion to house decors or history. I am a bookworm of a different genus - webworm that is. I browsed the site more just because the wigs looked so natural. I would not, for a second, doubt the authenticity of the hair of the wearer of the wigs from the shop. Really!
Anyway, this site that I was talking about sells wigs made from synthetic chemicals and those made from real human hair. Cool! And guess what? On 28th of November, they would be having their own Black Friday Sale. Discounts can be as high as 90%. Like, what a steal!!!!
So, if you happen to be looking for affordable yet quality wigs and hair extensions, you know where to go: http://shop.wigsbuy.com/s/black-friday-12
Have you worn wigs? If so, did you like the experience? Let me know in the comments. ^___^