Natural Bridge Caverns & Canopy Challenge

By Michelle Hernandez @Familylovesa
For San Antonio families looking for an adventure, Natural Bridge Caverns is the way to go!
Because I am a working mama, I usually take some time off during the week before school starts to create some summer memories with my kids. This year, we scheduled the caves and a canopy explorer course.
We took some video of us entering the cave, and the reactions from the kids were hilarious: "oh my gosh, are we really in a cave?", "am i dreaming or are we in a cave?", "what if we see Batman?". I didn't think they would be that excited, but this was their first time and all four kids really enjoyed themselves.
Here's a few tips to know before you go.
And talk about selfies. Follow Natural Bridge Caverns on Instagram and Facebook, share a picture with the hashtag #caveselfie and #naturalbridgecaverns and you will be entered into a weekly giveaway for Canopy Challenge tickets.
After the Discovery Tour, we went straight to the Canopy Challenge. The younger of our group enjoyed Canopy Kids, while the older than 7 group, including myself took to the Canopy Explorer Course. We went about 3 flights up and stuck mostly to the paths with wooden planks. The kids were all so proud of themselves for conquering this.  There was lots more to tackle: a maze, gem and fossil mining and zip lines that could keep us there all day! But don't forget your photo on top of Grendel before you leave! Enjoy!