Nationalists Yes, Patriotards No

Posted on the 10 November 2016 by Calvinthedog

My country right or wrong is shit. That’s partriotardism. Nationalism is not partiortardism! A nationalist wants what is best for his country. A patriotard just stands up and waves his flag and cheers his country on no what they do, noble, indifferent, or batshit crazy and stone evil. Anyone who thinks like ought to put a bullet in their head. If they’re short of cash, I’ll even pay for the bullet. Hell, I will even personally deliver it to your house for you!

Patriotards the world over believe that my country is always 100% good and never does anything  bad ever. I believe that almost  all Americans are partiotards like this. If you ask around about foreign policy, almost all Americans support every single thing that the country does, including everything the CIA and Pentagon Satanists do.

Their line is, “100% of what America does in foreign policy is good. 0% of what America does in foreign policy is bad. We are a good country because we are a good people and vice versa. Even when we do something wrong or even bad, it is always because we had good intentions. We always have good intentions because are good people living in a good country. Good people cannot be bad. Good countries cannot be bad. I would say 90% of the population is like this. Anyone else have any estimates? One of the quickest ways to get into a fistfight in the US is to imply that US foreign policy especially anything involving the glorious CIA and even more glorious US military, is anything but pure as the driven snow.

Rightwing idiots always claim that liberals “hate America” and by that they mean they hate our foreign policy. I have known many US “liberal Democrats” and almost 100% are sheer utter flat-out patriotards as described above. That is one reason I have such a low opinion of US liberal Democrats. They’re almost worst than wingnuts because “liberal Democrats” so grotesquely betray their own principles.