Several eyewitnesses of the Orlando gay-club shooting have said there were other suspects in addition to alleged lone gunman Omar Mateen (See " Orlando gay-club shooting: The pieces that don't fit "):
- Two eyewitnesses separately made mention of a man who was blocking an exit by keeping the door closed. Later, professional actor Luis Burbano admitted he was that man, and that he was holding the door closed to prevent the armed gunman from fleeing the club, which makes no sense whatsoever.
- One eyewitness said he heard two guns shooting at once.
- Another eyewitness told an ABC reporter after he'd been discharged from a local hospital that he had overheard a phone conversation made by the shooter, in which the shooter said he was the "fourth shooter" and that there were "three others," including "snipers" and a "female suicide bomber" . (Source: )
This eyewitness' testimony lends credence to an account of James Wesley Howell allegedly telling the Santa Monica police that the CIA had recruited five people for attacks on gay communities in Florida and California. Howell and "Dan" were supposed to attack a Gay Pride event in Los Angeles; "Omar" and "Brandy," a woman , were supposed to launch an attack in Florida. Howell did not know who the fifth co-conspirator was. When Howell heard the news that Omar Mateen had been killed by police after the shooting massacre in Pulse gay dance club, Howell feared for his own life and sought protection from the police. He allegedly said, "Omar was not supposed to be killed. They [CIA] lied to us - Omar and Brandy were supposed to get away." (See " Orlando false-flag: Man claims to be part of CIA plot targeting gays ")
Now, a well-known national security expert has weighed in, saying the same.
Dr. Sebastian Gorka is a national security expert and author of the 2016 book Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War. From :
Dr. Sebastian L.v. Gorka . . . is the Major General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at the Marine Corps University and the Chairman of Threat Knowledge Group. He is a founding member of the Council for Emerging National Security Affairs and served as the Associate Dean for Congressional Affairs and Relations to the Special Operations Community at the National Defense University. Gorka is also currently affiliated with USSOCOM's Joint Special Operations University and the Institute of World Politics, is a regular instructor for the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School in Fort Bragg, as well as the FBI's Counterterrorism Division. He has testified before Congress on the threat of ISIS and Global Jihadism, and briefed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Intelligence Council, the National Counterterrorism Center and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. [...] Since 2014 Gorka has acted as editor for National Security Affairs for the Breitbart News Network.
In other words, Gorka is a serious person, not a flake.
On June 22, 2016, Gorka that there are reports that police recovered cell phones from The Pulse of Omar Mateen talking on his phone to some person, i.e., a co-conspirator, about tactics.
Here's Gorka's tweet:
For all the posts we've done on the Orlando shooting, .
This entry was posted in CIA, conspiracy, crime, False flag, Gays, gun control, Gun Control/2nd Amendment, Orlando gay club shooting, Terrorism, United States and tagged James Wesley Howell, Luis Burbano, multiple suspects at Orlando shooting, Omar Mateen, Sebastian Gorka. Bookmark the permalink.