National Meeting Commemorates Official KPA Anniversary

Posted on the 24 April 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

25 April House of Culture in Pyongyang, the venue for the 24 April 2013 national meeting marking the official foundation of the Korean People’s Army (Photo: Google image)

DPRK state media reported that a national meeting marking the official 81st anniversary (25 April) of the foundation of the Korean People’s Army [KPA] was held at the 25 April House of Culture in Pyongyang on 24 April (Wednesday).  Attending the meeting were Supreme People’s Assembly [SPA] Presidium President Kim Yong Nam, DPRK Cabinet Premier Pak Pong Ju, Director of the KPA General Political Department VMar Choe Ryong Hae ,”other senior party, state and army officials, officials of the party and armed forces organs, ministries and national institutions, service personnel of the KPA and the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces, officials of institutions, factories and enterprises, those of merits in aiding the army, families of service personnel and people in Pyongyang, the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front and overseas Koreans” along with invited “foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of international bodies and members of the military attaches corps here and foreign guests.”

Gen. Hyon Yong Chol, Chief of the KPA General Staff (Photo: Rodong Sinmun)

Chief of the KPA General Staff Gen. Hyon Yong Chol delivered the meeting report.  According to a gist provided by KCNA, Gen. Hyon said:

President Kim Il Sung founded the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, the first revolutionary armed forces of Chuch’e type on April 25, Chuch’e 21 (1932). This made it possible for the Korean people to have their genuine army for the first time in history and since then there started a new history of the Korean revolution which was hewed out with arms and has won victory and advanced with arms.

He trained the KPRA into the powerful main force of the anti-Japanese national liberation struggle in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution, defeated Japanese imperialism and liberated Korea. In the complicated situation of building a new country he realized the cause of building the regular armed forces without delay, led the Fatherland Liberation War to victory and developed the KPA into a heroic army which shattered to smithereens the myth of the U.S. imperialists’ “mightiness”.

The Chuch’e-based cause of army-building developed in depth onto a new higher stage thanks to the outstanding Military-First (So’ngun) revolutionary leadership and Military-First (So’ngun) politics of leader Kim Jong Il.

He established the Military-First (So’ngun) politics as the basic political mode under socialism as required by the changed reality and developing revolution in the 1990s. He put forward the KPA as the main force for accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Chuch’e on the principle of giving priority to the army over the working class for the first time in history, and put its position and role on the highest level.

The Korean revolutionary armed forces have grown to be the army of the leader, the party and the people under the care of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, demonstrating its invincible might. They are the greatest patriotic legacy left by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Today the KPA is ushering in greatest heyday of its development as it is led by Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un.

He set forth the line on simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and building of nuclear force at the historic March, 2013 plenary meeting of the C.C., the Workers’ Party of Korea. This is a special great event which provided the immortal banner for final victory of the Military-First (So’ngun) revolution.

[Let us] conclude the nuclear showdown with the U.S. with the arms of Mt. Paektu (Paektusan), reunifying the country and winning a final victory in building a thriving socialist nation and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Chuch’e.

The U.S. and the puppet south Korea are bringing the dark clouds of a nuclear war to hang over the Korean Peninsula despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, he said, stressing that if another undesired war breaks out due to the unpardonable behaviors of the U.S. imperialists and their followers, the army and people of the DPRK will put an end to the long-standing history of confrontation with the U.S. and bring a bright day of national reunification without fail.

Filed under: 2013 Strategic Rhetoric, 2013 tactical rhetoric, 25 April 2013 (KPA Foundation Day), Central Committee, Central Military Committee, central party life, Choe Ryong Hae, colonel general, corps command, corps commanders, Culture Section (bureau), diploreps, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK External Relations, DPRK Intelligence Community, DPRK Premier, Events Management Section, Fatherland Liberation War (Korean War), gsd, Guard Command, Kim Family, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Ki Nam, Kim Yong Nam, KJI Personal Secretariat, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA External Relations, KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, KPA General Propaganda Department, KPA General Staff, KPA supernumerary organizations, Mangyo'ngdae Revolutionary School Alumni, March 2013 KWP Central Committee Meeting (plenary session), military security command [msc], Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), MPAF GPB, National Defense Commission (NDC), North Korean press, nuclear weapons, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Pong Ju, Party elders, Party History Institute, party life, Political Bureau, Propaganda and Agitation Department, Provincial Party Committees, Provinicial People's Committee, Pyongyang Defense Command, Secretariat, State Planning Commission (SPC), State Security Department, Supreme People's Assembly, United Front Department, Working Organizations