National Cupcake Week UK: Cupcakes Around the World

By Smartgirltravel @SmartGirlTravel

Cupcakes, the international sign for happiness

Whatever the season, whatever the day, morning or night, I’m always ready to celebrate the eighth wonder of the world, the wondrous cupcake.  Trot the globe with me and you’ll become a frequent victim of losing your travel buddy on a busy street, before you turn around to find her hungry face pressed up against a cake shop window a few yards behind. 

Yes, I’m a self-confessed addict.  And I don’t intend to quit anytime soon.  To me, National Cupcake Week is simply the best week ever invented.  Whatever country you’re exploring, stop right now.  Put everything down.  Because it’s time to turn this event into a global sensation and eat cake.  Lots of cake. 

With a few days to go, there’s still time to get your bake-on for 2011 National Cupcake Week. So let’s take a look at some travel-inspired creations which may give you food for thought……or just a bigger waistline. 

Cupcakes From Around the World

Here are some of my favourite cupcakes from around the world.  I hope they give you a little baking inspiration.

1. The Paris Cupcake

My favourite place in the world.  And no matter what people think of the Eiffel Tower, I still think it’s a truly romantic place when the sun goes down.  Show your love of Parisian lifestyle and French champagne by baking some Paris-inspired cupcakes. Those pretty little designs are made with sugar pens which can be purchased from most online baking shops.

2. The Irish Cupcake

Add a splash of Guinness, guzzle the rest (yes please) and use the bottle top for the final touch. This puts a smile on my face.

3. The Venetian Cupcake

I’ve just spent three amazing nights in Venice and it really is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  Stylish Venetians spend their entire summer sipping on Bellinis (Prosecco with peach puree) in San Marco Square, so I will definitely mark the occasion with a glass of fizz and a peach cupcake this week.

4. The Tokyo Cupcake

Japan is one of the craziest, wackiest places on the globe.  So it’s no surprise that these novelty buns are already circulating the cake planet. If you’re a dab hand at cake decorating, give these sushi designs a whirl.

5. The American Cupcake

Rocky Road is the ultimate indulgence and this all-American dessert creates a pretty mean cupcake.  Beat this, England!

6. The English Rose Cupcake

You could opt for the Union Jack, or you could design country cottage treats like these.  There’s nothing more quaint and English than beautiful red roses and polka dots – we could give those American cupcakes a little taste of our country’s refinement. 

7. The Shanghai Cupcake

Let the wonderful aroma of Jasmine tea work its way into that sweet buttercream.  Add a refreshing lift to your cakes and enjoy the oriental twist.

8. The Spanish Sangria Cupcake

It’s hard to accept that the British summer is over.  All we have now is wind and drizzle, but drizzle a little Sangria in your cake mixture this week and enjoy fruit infused flavours which bring back the memories of warmer weather.

9. The Amsterdam Cupcake

Marble sponge.  Mish mash of colours.  Interpret how you will.

10. The Manila Cupcake

Purple yam is a popular Filipino dessert vegetable.  It turns everything a lovely shade of violet and you can team with seasonal fruits for a totally tantalising taste sensation.  There was a time when you could buy purple yams from Tesco, but if you can’t find them you can substitute with sweet potato and a little sprinkling of food colouring.