NaPoWriMo Day 3! I Dedicate This Poem To Tonia

By Shanesbookblog @shanesbookblog

For a new friend who always amazes me with her ability to review my reviews in such a way that she is able to write what I left out and sum it up better than I could have done it myself.

She also read’s my amateur Poems and manages to connect with every word on every line and write so many flattering words that I can’t help but feel proud of what I have created.

This one’s for you! =]

Check out Tonia’s blog By clicking here ——>Bubbly Tee’s Blog<——

She is a distinguished Poet and Writer, and from reading some of her Posts I can tell she appreciates art and people’s work like no other person I have ever come across before. She expresses herself through her blog and the art she creates and I  must say she is a professional in every aspect of the word! She is so enthusiastic and compelling that chatting with her is like chatting with someone you have known your entire life! Thanks for lending me your kind word’s as well as your courage and strength!


I simply can not put to words a person so determined

lending parts of your self to someone who is simply non deserving

eyes fixed on artifice, always watching while observing

through words and opinion you express what most cannot

cheerful remedy’s your insight’s have brought

understanding beyond the realms of things that can’t be taught

luminary you are through and through I hope I don’t fail to mention

deserving are you of the worlds utmost attention

If  tomorrow evil wraps its talons tightly around me

only your words could make it relinquish thee

possibility’s hold no shape to what we can both achieve

thanks for choosing in me… to doubtlessly believe

you are one in a million my new friend, I think the entire world would agree