NaNoWriMo Update!

By Shoesfashfit @lolashoelove
Wow, I can't believe November is almost half way over!
I hate to say that I am about 7k words behind on the daily goal of 1,666 words, but it has been a very busy weekend and I will catch up this week, and then some! According to my word goals (which I set a little high) I should be about half way done by Wednesday! I am going to work really hard at making that deadline.
I have not even got to the biggest incident in my story and wanted to wait until about 30k words before I start on that. I have about 10 ideas to go but no matter how much I jot down I'm sure I will be scrambling for the last couple thousand words! I am excited to finish up my story, I am really happy with it!
I am still looking for sponsors who would like to donate to NaNoWriMo's nonprofit organization  The Office of Letters and Light. All proceeds go directly to them, and they help bring literacy programs to children and adults all over the world! For more info you can click here!
I want to thank Geddes and LaJupetteFashion for donating to this wonderful cause! Please check them out!