#NaNoWriMo Tribe: Proud of Us as the Finish Line Approaches

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni
A little tired this morning having stayed up late working on my novel and trying to hit my word count, but happy with the work and the challenge. How are you all doing, fellow writers?

I know this doesn’t mean a lot to many people, but for the few of us who adore telling stories, I’m very proud of you. I wouldn’t be much good to anyone as a writing cheerleader if I didn’t actually participate in National Novel Writing Month and help encourage others to do the same.

Haven’t you ever done something just for the love and sheer joy of it?

While I’m still 7,000 words short of my goal, with tired eyes and a lot of coffee, I’ll continue until the bitter end…along with thousands and thousands of others of us who are all doing the same. Bonding with other writers on Instagram as we share our word counts and progress has been a ton of fun.

Honestly, it’s made me proud to be associated with people who share the same passion as me.

I’m proud of all of us.

Keep going. There’s still time left.



My WIP (work in progress), Life with Nan, standing right now at over 43,000 words. Advertisements