Nanny Bloomberg Still at It…

Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn


Mayor Bloomberg tells state to follow city’s ban on sodas larger than 16 oz

NY Post: Mayor Bloomberg today called on the state to follow the city’s lead by banning the sale of sugary sodas in sizes larger than 16 ounces in all stores, not just restaurants. The city’s new law takes effect March 12 in food establishments regulated by the Health Department.

Supermarkets, groceries and shops where prepared foods constitute less than 50 percent of sales are not affected because they’re overseen by the state Agriculture Department and the city doesn’t have jurisdiction. Individual pizza parlors would have to obey the new law, even when it comes to deliveries.

At a press conference today, the mayor was asked why pizza shops shouldn’t be in the same category as supermarkets, where customers would still be able to walk out with all the two-liter soda bottles they could carry. “You have exactly the right question, but you’re asking it the wrong way,” the mayor said. “Keep in mind we’re trying to save the lives of these kids, particularly kids…The state should do exactly the same thing in stores.” Gov. Cuomo’s office said it was preparing a response.

Bars and nightclubs would also have to get rid of their large sodas under the city’s new policy. Bloomberg said he couldn’t understand how that could be a big deal. “If you’re going to drink more than 16 ounces of alcohol with something in it, you’re not going to get out of the bar,” he said. “Or maybe you’re going to go out on a stretcher.”

Large bottles of soda are usually part of the set-up when patrons at trendy bars shells out hundreds of dollars for “bottle service.”

The result of this ban?

And consumers, especially families, will soon see how the rules will affect their wallets — forcing them to pay higher unit prices for smaller bottles.
Typically, a pizzeria charges $3 for a 2-liter bottle of Coke. But under the ban, customers would have to buy six 12-ounce cans at a total cost of $7.50 to get an equivalent amount of soda.

How it could be a big deal? How about this Nanny Bloomberg  - let the customer decide how much soda they want to purchase and drink? You get what you vote for New York.