Today is Mother’s Day and my mom is still spry enough to care for Rocket three days per week. Heck, I am not spry enough to do that! To avoid crowds of children bringing their moms as well as parents bringing their children who just graduated (it’s graduation weekend at OU) we will avoid restarants today and then next Thursday night Top Girl and I will take mom out to her favorite place to eat spending the evening doing whatever she wants. The next day I get to go on a wonderful weekend with Mr. Picky Eater which Top Girl bought me – a Groupon – for Mother’s Day. To say I am looking forward to it is a big understatement! Mr. Picky Eater and I haven’t been away overnight together in probably seven years……just not something we think of doing but so glad the kids think for us sometimes.
Last week, we had a homemade meal for Mother’s Day which you can see Here and there’s also a great giveaway going on this week. It was Cornish Hens with sticky rice and Mango Avocado salsa. It was so good mom ate all of hers and asked to take home leftovers. Since the meal was so healthy, we had complete decadence for dessert. It was an old fashioned dessert that Nana made for all of us over the years. I hated it most of that time because I did not like coconut but then, much like beef liver and nuts, coconut slowly made its way into the “like” column of foods available to me. Yes, I just said beef liver………mom made smothered beef liver with rice when I was a kid that meant I was having Jeno’s pizza for dinner until I was pregnant with Top Girl, then I craved it. When we go to restaurants today, if they serve it, I order it while Mr. Picky Eater rolls his eyes and gags – but it has become too much for mom to make these days and I still love it……..maybe I will tackle it soon.
I made this pie and added my own little twist to it – Cream of Coconut:
Nana did not use it, but I wanted a very coconuty taste – and I got it! If you want the original recipe, replace the cream of coconut with all heavy cream and you will have it! Here’s the recipe:
1 Cup sweetened coconut plus more for sprinkling on top
15 oz can of Cream of Coconut – Find it in the grocery store in the section where dink mixes are sold
9 oz of heavy cream
**or you can just use 24 oz. of heavy cream**
4 egg yolks beat
4 eggs whites for the meringue only – leave in the fridge covered until you need them.
¾ Cup white granulated sugar
½ Cup flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
6 Tablespoons confectioner’s Sugar
1 baked pie shell
Bake the pie shell according to package direction or make it yourself.
Preheat oven 350F
In a saucepan, put cream of coconut, heavy cream, egg yolks, sugar, flour and salt into a pan on low to medium heat and bring to a boil stirring constantly.
When it boils, then take it off the heat and stir in coconut and vanilla.
Allow cooling for 5 minutes then pour into baked pie shell and cool in fridge completely.
After about 4 hours, place your bowl and beaters in the freezer for about 10 minutes then take those out and the egg whites out of the fridge.
Beat on high while slowly adding the confectioner’s sugar until egg whites are stiff.
Spoon onto pie, sprinkle with extra coconut shreds and place in a 400F oven for 10 minutes or until the meringue is as browned as you like.
Put back in fridge using toothpicks to hold up the plastic wrap until you are ready to eat.
Now, doesn’t that look delicious?!?