Nameless Puppy Has A New Home!

By Englishwifeindianlife

No, we couldn’t keep Nameless puppy but, only five minutes after I posted a classified advert online, advertising a free puppy to a loving home, someone responded. Then, another responded, and another. I couldn’t work out how to take the ad down, people kept asking for more information about the ‘beautiful puppy’. Meanwhile, a friendship was blossoming. Alfonso was enchanted with Nameless puppy. As she slept, still exhausted from the trauma of being abandoned, Alfonso sat next to her, protecting her and kissing her. When she was awake, they played together so sweetly. Both of their little tails wagging, one curly and the other straight. They were really enjoying themselves and I started to panic, I didn’t want Alfonso to get too attached and then mourn her sudden disappearance. I took Alfonso into my room and let Nameless puppy sleep. Three minutes later, the same cry that originally brought her to our attention filled the house. I opened my bedroom door and Alfonso trotted out to her, when she saw him she started wagging her tail. I couldn’t stand to hear her cry, so I let them stay together. Things were quiet in the living room, and with dogs, it’s a good [...]