Naked Singularity (2021) Movie Review

By Newguy

ABC Film Challenge – Sci-Fi – N – Naked Singularity (2021)

Naked Singularity feels like a flat movie never jumping at the concepts it offers up.

Director: Chase Palmer

Writer: Chase Palmer, David Matthews (Screenplay) Sergio De La Pava (Book)

Starring: John Boyega, Olivia Cooke, Bill Skarsgard, Ed Skrein, Linda Lavin, Tim Blake Nelson

Plot: An idealistic young New York City public defender burned out by the system, on the brink of disbarment, and seeing signs of the universe collapsing all around him decides to rob a multi-million drug deal of one of his clients.

Tagline – The justice system is criminal.

Runtime: 1 Hour 33 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Naked Singularity starts as we meet New York public defender Casi (Boyega) who has a strong record in the courtroom. But starts to see his record fall when he clashes with Judge Cymbeline (Lavin).

One of Casi’s clients Lea (Cooke) has found herself in the middle of a drugs bust. Needing to keep herself on good terms with Casi and her connection Craig (Skrein), while Casi starts to question his own reality.

Thoughts on Naked Singularity

Naked Singularity is a crime thriller that wants to throw in a mystery sci-fi element. When it comes to showing how the reality involved in the world could be bending in upon itself. It seems to want to put a big twist on the idea that a public defender has had enough and wants to clean up the streets himself. When a potential big bust gets offered up to him.

The biggest problem with the story comes from the heavy hint of a sci-fi element, but nothing coming from it. Leaving most of the film feeling empty, without hitting the comedy levels it wants to. While the crime drama just falls flat. The performances are solid enough with promising cast getting their moments to make an impact. We could have had a lot more from a lot of this film, with too much of this film feeling too thin for what it trying to be said.