I am referring to a poor impression. Some would go so far as to say a bad impression.
School started on Monday, and I controlled my emotions and limited myself to one sneaky "WOOHOO!" and high five with a friend at the school gate on my way out. A new year means a new teacher, new classmates, new parents. All people you'd want to make a decent first impression with, right? And I did, I mean I really wanted to make a good impression. At least to give myself a fighting chance to appear normal, mature and maternal...before my inner immature 14 year old skater dude comes to the fore and I find myself unable to control the odd muttered "shed word" on school grounds, and frequent references to wine o'clock. I dressed in fresh clothes. I brushed (teeth and hair). I arrived on time. Everything was set for making a good first impression. School supplies had been packed symmetrically into boxes, all labelled and ready to go. How could I possibly stuff it up? Very easily.By showing up with the school supplies in MULTIPLE BOXES FROM DAN MURPHY'S - BULK DISCOUNT BOOZE WAREHOUSE.