#nailartmaniachallenge 2014! + Monthly Prizes!

By Aworldfullofprettiness


We all love a good challenge every now and then. As we all know, a new year is fast approaching, so what better time to begin creating some fresh challenges? I thought I'd come up with a new beauty challenge for myself, but get you guys involved as well.
I have a love for nail art (but unfortunately don't show it enough on here). My Pinterest Nail Art Board is brimming with new designs that I'm bursting to try, so that's where this challenge comes in.
Each month I will email out a new nail art topic and I want you guys to get creative and send me your designs. But! That is not all! Every month I will choose my favorite design and the winner will receive some nail goodies! The goodies have not yet been chosen but this is where I need you to act. If you have nail art friends, spread the word, be it on your blog, twitter, facebook, instagram.. whatever social networks you use, spread the word using the hashtag #nailartmaniachallenge. The more people that join this challenge, the more nail-related prizes there will be up for grabs! Link back to this post so people can find me and so I can pop each name on my list ready for next year (which is in less than 7 weeks time! Blimey!).
If you could comment on this post leaving me your name, email and any social media networks you may use (i.e. blog name, twitter handle etc) so I can begin creating a list of interest. (You will need some form of media platform in order to post your nail art photos each month).
Once I have a rough idea of interest, I will be creating another update post soon, including prizes, so keep your eyes peeled!