Nail Polish.

By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx

Nail polish is a big love of mine. I love looking down to my fingers and seeing a pretty color shining back at me from my nails. When it comes to nail polish I go from one extreme to another ... one week it will be a love deep oxblood the next a mint green then a bright red followed by the blackest of blacks. What can I say, I love them all!

Bourjous Noir de Chine 
This is a true black. No sparkle just glossy black talons. There is something so chic about a dark nail that I can't quite put my finger on - pardon the pun. Any dark nail really. I only bought Bourjouis as it was in an offer if it hadn't been any brand with a black nail polish would have done nicely.
Rimmel Pink Libertine
This pretty pastel pink was a present from my mom at Easter Time. It isn't something I would normally gravitate towards in the shop but obviously my mom knows me well as I love this color. It is a beautiful pink that looks gorgeous on the nails.
MUA Pistachio Ice Cream
I'm not sure what I expected for £1 but this little polish is slightly lacking. The color is a beautiful mint green but it is really runny & sheer. I really only featured it for the color. Save your pound and spend it else where! 
Miss Sporty Cobalt Blue
I'm not 100% sure on the name of this one  as the label is majorly worn but the color is a right electric blue - you would known it if you saw it. A cheap favorite that has a great color pay off. Definitely one for a bright eye catching nail. I've had compliments from boys on this one. One claiming to want to use it as his hair dye color sample...
What is your favorite nail polish? x