{Nail Effects}

By Whimofthesouth

Ever wonder why your mood may change with your nail color...or have you not even stopped to think about why you may be having a bad day with neon nails or why you're feeling somewhat sassy with a red or purple nail? Just like with hairstyles, certain colors of clothing, and certain perfumes...what color nail polish you choose to wear effects your mood significantly. 

Essie- Pop Daddy

Red is said to make you feel sexy or sassy...while this is true, I think red means success. Think about it. Do you see women with the job promotions with french tips or do you see them with red nails? Red! Duh! 

Essie- Lacy Not RacyBurgundy is meant to be timeless. It's the new french tip! This color makes you feel put together. 

Essie- Marshmellow

Creme colored nails aren't ones we see very often, but the color makes you feel romantic. When people think of creme colored anything (and yes I mean creme because I'm talking about the color of what tops off that morning mocha of yours), they think of coffee shops, weddings, summer. Now what do all of those have to do with? Some sort of love.

Essie- Bottle Service

Hot Pink is the new black. You're feeling totally rebellious and in the mood to do something crazy. Lets be honest, black is considered classic now. Neons are the new rebel flag! 

Essie- Midnight Cami

Navy; this color makes you feel adventurous. To me navy represents the ocean, or road trips with the horizon a bright blue, and adventure. Forget browns or  oranges for adventure, navy is there!

That's all for nail-ology
