Nagbala (Grewia Hirsuta ) is a brown or gray colored hairy branches . The botanical name of Nagbala is Sida acuta Burma (Sida acuta), it is the plant of Tiliaceae Family
The Leaves are lance shaped with a length of 6 to 14cm and width of 2 to 3.5 cm . These leaves are black brown in color when dried . The lateral basal veins of the leaves are as long as leaf blade and the lateral vein occur 4 to 5 pairs
Stalks of this plant are 3 mm long
The Flowers are white in color and are born in cymes (3 to 4 flowers per cyme) , they grow from June to July. When Flowers of this plant are fully grown they first turn into yellow and then into brown color . The buds of these flowers are globose .
Petals are narrowly ovate .
The Fruit of the plant are small in size and yellow in color
The Roots are Brown in color in color with cylindrical shape.
According to the ayurveda this plant has Vata-Pitta shamak properties which regulates Air ( Vayu) and Agni (Pitta) of the body
GUNA:-Guru(Heavy) , Snighda (Oily), Picchila (Slimmy)
VIPAKA:- Madhura ( Sweet taste after digestion )
Hindi: Gur-shukri, Kukurbicha, Sri-Gur-Sukri, Kukurand;
Sanskrit: Nagbala, Jhasha, Arishta, Hsvagvedhuka, Mahashakha, Gaurakshatandula, Khargandha, Chatupala, Madam, Mahapatra, Mahafala, Mahagandha, Khanda, Kharva, Vishwadevi;
Kannad: Chikkudipe, Udippe
Telugu: Bidarchipura, Budda (Buddha);
The Roots, Leaves and Panchang
1 Nagbala Benefits for Cold :-It is useful in cold when the weather changes or after consuming cold things. With the help of some home remedies mentioned in Ayurveda, you can get relief from cold. With the help of Nagbala, you can get relief from cold . For this, by putting the juice of Nagbala leaves in the nose and take its leaves.
2 Nagbala gives relief from breast pain :- Putting the leaves of Nagbala lightly on the breasts which provides relief from the pain in the breasts.
3 CURE Heart DISEASE :- Nagbala is very useful for heart disease patients by reducing symptoms of heart disease .
4 Nagbala Benefits in treatment of Diarrhea :- The powder of Nagbala fruit and root should be consumed when there is diarrhea. Its use also provides relief in dysentery.
5 Benefits of Nagbala in the treatment of hemorrhoids:- The powder of Nagbala root and leaves should be consumed with lukewarm water or drink its decoction. It provides benefit in piles and change dietary habits .
6 Nagbala prevents the spleen from growing:-Nagbala has medicinal properties that prevent the spleen from growing. Make a paste of the leaves of Nagbala and consume or keep these leaves on the spleen portion to warm it slightly. Doing so provides benefit in spleen enlargement problem.
7 Nagbala provides benefits in treating arthritis:-Nagbala is very effective in treating arthritis , make a paste of the leaves of Nagbala and apply it on the joints where there is pain. It provides quick relief. Similarly, drinking decoction of these leaves is also beneficial in arthritis.
8 Nagbala is beneficial in treating TB: - Nagbala has medicinal properties that help a lot in treating TB. Every morning, eat powder of Nagbala root mixed with honey and ghee, Take equal quantity of barley, nagbalamool, ashwagandhamul, sesame, jaggery and urad powder and take it daily in the morning with milk. It provides benefit in TB and increases the strength of the body.
Take the powder of Arjun Tvak, Nagbala root and Kewancha seeds, mixed with honey, ghee and sugar candy. It is effective in treating both TB and cough.
Consume the powder made from cancerous horny, Arjun Dvakka, Ashwagandha, Nagbala, Pushkarmool, Haritaki and Guduchi.
9 Nagbala is beneficial in nose and ear bleeding problem:-This problem is cured by taking Nagbala powder with honey.
10 Nagbala improves semen quality:- If you regularly consume the powder of Nagbala with milk, then it nourishes the semen and improves its quality.