Myths, Misconceptions and Paranormal Phenomena

Posted on the 03 August 2012 by Candornews @CandorNews

Myths, Misconceptions and Paranormal Phenomena

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Wake up people, it is the 21st century! With all the technology in today’s world, it baffles me how people still do not believe in science. Over the past 10 years, myths and paranormal phenomena such as Big foot, the Loch Ness Monster, existence of ghosts, UFO’s and especially, real-life vampires, have been clouding our brains.

Now while I am not a scientist or God, I cannot and therefore will not sit here and tell you that these things do not exist. I just ask you, no beg of you to use your common sense the next time you are told these things exist. I am not going to lie, at one point in my life I believed all of these things were real, sad to say Scooby-Doo decieved me as a child. However, I grew up! It is okay if children say “Mommy, is Big Foot going to eat me”, or “Daddy, are aliens going to abduct me” but, it is not okay for an adult who is supposed to be wise and raise the next generation to say such foolery! I personally grew up with the notion that if I did not see it with my two eyes, do not believe it.

Everyday a case rises where someone has claimed to see Big foot, the Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts or Demons (In this case, lets just say I would not be shocked if they turned out to be real. I have personally never seen them, so I will not swear that they are real, but I will not deny the possiblity either), UFO’s [aliens], or vampires, and while that is exciting for them, I did not see it for myself, and I was shown no sort of proof, so if it is alright with you, I will continue to live my life and until one of these two things happen. Now, I am not saying that it would not be cool if these things actually did exist, but in my opinion, I don’t think they are real. They are l myths, meaning they have not been proven to be real [yet]. In the case of ghosts however, lets just say I would not be shocked if they turned out to be real. I have personally never seen them, so I will not swear that they are real, but I will not deny the possiblity either.