The ever increasing trend of gadgets, limited life in the walls of home and office, lack of physical activity and increasing trend of junk foods are affecting not only our physical and mental health but also the health of our eyes. According to the World Health Organization, cases of myopia are increasing rapidly around the world, today one billion four billion people worldwide have myopia, by 2050 this figure will increase to five billion. About ten percent of these people will have myopia so severe that their risk of blindness will be greatly increased.
What is myopia?
Myopia in medical language is called myopia, it makes it difficult to see distant things clearly. In myopia, as the pupil (eye ball) increases in size, the reflection is made slightly further than it is on the retina. This causes distant objects to appear blurred and unclear, but there is no problem in seeing nearby objects. It is estimated that 20-30 percent of India's population suffers from myopia.
Myopia occurs when the pupil of the eye becomes too long or the curvature of the cornea (the outermost protective layer of the eye) increases greatly. This causes the light that enters the eyes to not focus properly, causing the reflection to focus slightly ahead of the retina. This causes the eyes to blur. When the problem of myopia increases greatly, the risk of getting cataract and glaucoma increases.
Myopia may develop slowly or rapidly. This problem increases rapidly in children as their body and eyes are developing. Increasing the size of the eyes can cause a sharp stretch in the cornea and retina. However, children who have myopia become stable until they reach the age of eighteen.
According to a study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi-based, 17 percent of children aged 5-15 in India suffer from myopia.
Due to myopia
- Myopia is the leading cause of vision loss worldwide. Genetic causes, environmental conditions and lifestyle play an important role in this.
- It runs in the family. If either of your parents has this problem, then there is an increased risk for you. If both parents have myopia, the risk increases.
- Spend more time in front of the screen (TV, computer, mobile).
- Not having the necessary distance from books or screens increases the risk of myopia.
- Some studies have shown that spending less time in natural light increases the risk of myopia.
Identify with these symptoms
The most prominent symptom of myopia is the lack of clear vision, in addition to the following symptoms;
- Blink eyes repeatedly.
- Eye strain and fatigue when viewing distant things.
- Having trouble with driving, especially at night.
- Shrinking eyelids.
- Watery eyes.
In children, the following symptoms may also appear;
- Black board or white board not appearing properly in the classroom.
- Constantly rubbing eyes.
- Not being able to focus on studies.
The aim of treatment is to improve vision. For this, both surgical and non-surgical treatments are available.
- Non-surgical
- Non-surgical treatment of myopia requires negative number glasses or contact lenses. The higher the number, the more serious your myopia is.
- The glasses
- It is a common and safe way to clear and sharpen vision. The eye glass lenses used in these are of many types such as single vision, bi-focal, tri-focal and progressive multi-focal.
- Contact lenses
- These lenses are applied directly to the eyes. They are made from a wide variety of materials and have varying designs, including soft and rigid, toric and multi-focal designs.
- Get your eyes checked at regular intervals.
- If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, then get your treatment done, because they can affect your vision.
- To protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun's violet rays, go for a goggle whenever you get out of the house.
- Include colorful fruits and vegetables and fish in your diet chart.
- To read and work on the computer
- Refractive surgery
- Myopia is called refractive eraser, so surgery to remove it is called refractive surgery. Refractive surgery reduces dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses. The surgeon uses a laser beam to reshape the cornea. This improves myopia. Many people do not need glasses or contact lenses after surgery, while many people may need them. Refractive surgery is not recommended until your lens number has stabilized.
- Lesic and photo-refractive keratectomy (PRK) are the most common refractive surgeries. In both, the cornea is resized so that light can be better focused on the retina.
- Fresh green vegetables.
- Lean Meat and Liver.
- Citrus fruits - Vitamin C is required for absorption of Vitamin A. Lack of this makes it more difficult to recover swollen or injured eyes.
- Zinc is essential for good eyesight, as it helps in the absorption of other substances necessary for the eyes such as vitamin A. Milk, cheese, curd, red meat etc. contain rich amounts of these minerals.
- High amounts of carbohydrates and sugars (these catalyze the generation of insulin-like growth factors that cause excessive growth of the eyeball as it develops).
- Home remedies
- Get your eyes tested regularly (no matter how well you see them).
- Protect your eyes from sunlight.
- Eat healthy foods.
- Use of appropriate glass and proper lighting for glasses.
It is not possible to stop myopia, but there are several measures by which you can slow its development. You can take the following steps to protect your eyes and vision.
- Triphala capsules are pure ayurvedic formulation composed of three herbs Amalaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki that help in treating myopia. It helps to increase the eyesight & deal with blur vision. The herbs used for the formulation of capsules show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, etc properties. These properties deal with the signs & symptoms related to myopia patients.
- Recommended dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily with normal water.
Home Remedies, Diet and Diet
- Recommended dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Diet to eat
Avoid them
- Recommended dosage: Take quarter to a half teaspoon of this ghee before meal with water once or twice daily.
1) Triphala Capsule:
- Roshni eye drops contain ingredients like Haridra, Neem, Tulsipatra, Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Pudina, Madhu, Alum, Gulab jal, etc. This herbal eye drops deal with the watering of eyes, decreased vision, dryness in eyes, blurred vision, burning sensation of eyes, eye strains, etc. associated with myopia patients.
- Recommended dosage: Put two drops in your eyes twice or thrice daily.
- Triphala churna is a classical herbal churna prepared from three herbs Amla (Emblica officinalis), Baheda (Terminalia bellirica), Harad (Terminalia chebula). These ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties. The use of this churna gives effective results in all signs & symptoms related to myopia patients.
- Recommended dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice daily with normal water.
2) Detox premium powder:
Detox premium powder is a herbo-mineral preparation containing moti pishti, parwal pishti, shukta pishti, giloy satav, gandhak rasayan, shankh bhasam, sutshekhar ras, shwet parpati, yavakshaar, etc. The antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, etc properties of this powder provide effective & good results to myopia patients. It naturally deals with blurred vision when seeing distant objects, headache due to strain in eyes, difficulty in seeing while driving at night time, excessive blinking of eyes, etc.
3) Jivantiyadi Ghrita:
Jivantiyadi Ghrita is herbal ghee containing ingredients such as pippali, lodhra, kakoli, jivanti, saindhavalavana, draksha, sita, daruharidra, triphala, etc. This medicated ghee is used in all types of eye diseases. The regular use of this ghee balances the three doshas (vata, pitta, & kapha) in the eyes.