Review 2022: How It Works?

Posted on the 29 August 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger has been a fully managed affiliate marketing agency in the industry since 2020. For two straight and hardworking years, they worked in private, and in 2020, they finally moved public and have been known to offer the best customer support.

Let us check out in a little more detail.

My Experience With

MyBid is a fully-managed platform with complete automation of the routine. After registration, the websites get a personal manager who builds up campaigns on their own according to the terms of reference of the affiliate.

The secret is that the assistance operates 24/7. I wrote at 12 o'clock in the morning, they responded to me in 5 minutes, and an hour later, the campaign started. Creatives, links, and targeting choices are planned.

Earlier, I did not delegate the settings for advertising campaigns. I did everything manually. The manager just asked me a few questions and helped me with it.

There are postbacks for campaign optimization. Support provided several macros for transmitting GEO and cost-per-click information to the tracker. The on-demand campaign is optimized when the manager transmits conversion data to the ad grid.

I like that they provided the current prices for the United States and Germany and the best cost per click, depending on the auction scenario. This makes it easy to get transitions in bulk at a standard cost. You may also terminate the campaign at any moment.

Most advertising networks in affiliate marketing operate on a self-service platform, where the advertiser autonomously selects the appropriate targeting for a specific campaign, sets a bid, launches the sites, and optimizes them.

Fully managed platforms that take care of the inner workings of working with tools and supply traffic for a given request eliminate this difficulty. This strategy is new to the market, and we saw it for the first time at The advertising network has been entirely private for a few years, but it is now accessible to new registrants, which I took advantage of.

You tell the manager what offer you need traffic for, how much traffic (and other campaign parameters), provide creatives and a link, and he puts up the campaign independently, selecting the best sites for your request.

If you have worked with traffic on your own for your whole life, delegating campaign settings to a manager may seem absurd. In contrast, this significantly simplifies the process. The manager is your personal media buyer, allowing them to do essential duties more quickly than you due to their direct access to the platform's resources and knowledge.

If you need to scale a ready-made bundle from another ad network, email the manager the required settings and creatives, and he or she will begin the campaigns on your behalf. In addition, the management adjusts it with postbacks and the agreed-upon acceptable values of ROI (or other indicators).

You may instantly begin working with the most relevant sites and placements, eliminating multiple phases of "cleaning" sites at no expense.

Your duty, roughly speaking, is to supply the appropriate connection and creatives. In addition, it is in the manager's best interest to get the greatest possible outcome so that you may increase your revenue even more. The network generates revenue via rotation, thus, it has little interest in spinning a few hundred impressions for each advertiser.

Different Ad formats Supported By

In-Page Push Ads:

In-page push advertisements resemble online push advertisements, but they are pretty distinct. These advertisements mimic the appearance of traditional push notification advertisements with an icon, titles, and explanations.

In actuality, in-page push advertisements are banner advertisements that appear on publisher websites. They appear at the top or bottom of a website while using a mobile device and in the page's corners when using a desktop computer. This makes it seem to the user like a little pop-up notice.

A significant distinction is that users do not need to subscribe to get in-page push alerts. As long as a user is on the publisher's website, advertisements may be shown without interfering with the surfing experience. According to, this is the most robust and most effective ad format.

Banner Ads:

A banner ad, also known as a display ad, is analogous to a digital billboard in that it employs visuals (thus, the word "banner") to draw attention and drive visitors to the advertiser's website.

Banner advertisements are put in high-traffic areas of websites to generate brand exposure, click-throughs, sales, and leads. These high-visibility spots include a website's top, bottom, and sides, where visitors' eyes tend to stray.

A good banner advertisement captures the reader's attention and encourages them to learn more about the promoted product or service. They are colorful, and inviting, and include little text, relying on visuals or multimedia to deliver their message.

Banner advertisements are profitable due to programmatic advertising, which outlines how marketers position adverts. These applications' software matches advertisements to the interests of website visitors.


In recent years, popunders (on-click) and pops have grown rather popular as ad types. Numerous ad networks support this kind of online advertising, and marketers and webmasters are increasingly selecting popups and popunders to increase their earnings.

Let's distinguish between popunders and blunders, which may seem similar. A new tab is added to the same window. It may open over the current tab or behind it (tab-down) (tab-under).

Popups are new browser windows that appear on top of the current or primary window. They are believed to be more aggressive than pop-ups, only visible after the browser window has been closed. To show each of these kinds, a Javascript code is required.

Video Ads:

Before, during, or after streaming programming, video advertising consists of promotional material. Some marketing experts, however, broaden the definition of video advertising to include display advertisements with video content, social network video commercials, and native video ads sold on websites such as news sites, entertainment sites, and e-commerce sites.

Video marketing is an ever-popular method of engaging customers. 54% of customers like to see more video content from the companies and brands they patronize.

67% of respondents said Audio-Accompanied video advertisements were the most unpleasant. 89% of marketers report a positive return on investment from their video advertisements.

These positive and negative statistics imply that marketers must make a special effort to develop video advertisements that the public considers necessary and relevant.

The location of a video advertisement is equally essential since the objective is to make commercial information as unobtrusive as possible. People may be likelier to watch if an ad plays a natural gap in the programming, such as before a presenter introduces a new subject.

Widget notification

Widget notification is a display advertising format that combines all the advantages of In-Page and Calendar. Huge volumes of traffic, a strict filtering system, and unique display mechanics allow you to find a high-quality and interested audience. It's a new Ad format for the affiliate market.

Native (Teaser) Ads:

Native advertising is a sort of paid advertising in which the advertisements fit the appearance, feel, and function of the media medium in which they appear. They "natively" and flawlessly integrate into the web page.

Native advertisements do not seem to be advertisements. Thus they do not interfere with the user's engagement with the website. This is the defining characteristic of native advertising: native advertisements expose the reader to promotional information without standing out.

As suggested content on websites, native advertisements often show below or next to the material you just read. They are also offered as "in-feed" advertisements on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Search and sponsored listings displayed at the top of your Google search results or in the sidebar are other native advertising.

Push Advertising:

Push advertising is sent as push notifications. On a smartphone or computer, they show as a quick message asking the user to take action. The typical push advertisement comprises a brief notice message (an alert message) and a symbol on the user's screen when activated.

Customizable media and action buttons may be included in push notification adverts. These advertisements may convey hot offers and updates, send purchase completion reminders, and much more.

Push advertising is sometimes compared to native ad format since it has many of the same advantages, such as being more user-friendly and less invasive. Although both push notifications and push advertising are internet-based messages with specific characteristics, such as how they are shown and their speed, they are not the same.

Devices provide push notifications; for instance, the system tells owners of OS upgrades, or a particular app notifies players of new game features. Similar to push notifications, push advertisements aim to distribute advertising material.

Why Choose

Dedicated Personal Managers:'s dedicated personal managers provide marketers with the tools and resources they need to grow their businesses. With, marketers have access to many features that can help them reach their target audience, track their progress, and measure their success.'s dedicated personal managers make it easy for marketers to get the most out of their experience and grow their business.'s dedicated personal managers are experts in online marketing and understand the needs of businesses, large and small. They work closely with marketers to develop custom strategies for each business's unique goals.

All Verticals: is an excellent option for those looking to list their products and services online. The company offers all verticals, so no matter what you're selling, there's a good chance that can accommodate you. The company's wide range of offerings makes it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Case Studies: is experienced and highly knowledgeable in the affiliate marketing sector. They deeply understand what creatives, approaches, settings, bids, and sources provide the best results for different offers. This allows them to drive strong performance for their partners and customers.

They're constantly innovating and testing new approaches to stay ahead of the curve and deliver outstanding results. Their team is passionate about what they do and is committed to providing the best possible experience for their partners and customers. They're always looking for talented individuals to join their team and help them continue to drive success in this dynamic industry.

Flexible Settings: has flexible settings that allow you to customize your traffic according to your needs and preferences. You can target any country, IP, browser, OS, OS version, or source. This makes the perfect tool for those who want to get the most out of their traffic.

Worldwide Coverage: is a top-tier affiliate marketing agency that provides services to companies worldwide. They have a team of experts who can help you target your audience in different countries, including the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. has a wide range of services to help you reach your target market and grow your business.

Multiple Ad Formats: is a powerful service that can help you with your advertising needs on the web, mobile, and in-app platforms. You can use to create a variety of ad formats, including banner ads, video ads, and rich media ads. also offers a wide range of ad targeting options, so you can make sure the right people see your ads. is a great way to increase your traffic and sales.

Direct Traffic Source: is a direct traffic source with many options to choose from. Their premium websites, direct publishers, and in-house extensions give you plenty of opportunities to match your advertising goals.

You can use their filters to find the right audience for your ad campaign quickly. also offers real-time bidding so you can get the best price for your ad space. Their support team is available 24/7 to help you with any issues.

How To Use has an excellent beginner-friendly interface. I have known the company for a while and see many of their clients are beginners. So, they keep it as simple as possible. And if you ever feel lost, your dedicated support manager is always there to support you.

Let's see how to use
  • Go to the official website of from here, and click on 'Let's start.'
  • Fill up the credentials, agree to their terms by checking the box, and hit 'Apply'.
  • In doing this, you will be asked for some email verification. Complete that and login to your account.
  • Fill up the login credentials and click on 'Enter'.
  • Check out what the dashboard looks like.
  • Simply select filters, and click on 'APPLY'. You can also download the file in CSV format by clicking on 'EXPORT CSV'. While you are there, don't forget to check out their charts section.
Quick Links:

Conclusion- Why I Recommend

Let me sum up all this fascinating stuff about They are the adult leaders in adult traffic t1, t2, Latham, Indonesia, and India. They offer a vast amount of adult traffic and also a gray mainstream. They work on all geos as well. They have their direct traffic.

The minimum deposit at is $100. Also, there are no balance restrictions. You can keep your balance as low or as high as you want. is excellent for the verticals Sweeps, Nutra, Adblock, Cleaners, VPN, utilities, dating, and of course, adults.

The best part of is they can help you with everything. You just have to let them help you; your dedicated account manager will help you with everything you need. Most platforms like only offer this feature to big companies, but offers it even to small and individual businesses. That's huge.

That's why I highly recommend at least giving a try.

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