My Year in Books and the 2016 Challenge

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Friday friends–are you all ready for the weekend??  I know I am!  It looks like the big Winter storm may not hit us as hard as they were initially anticipating, which I am VERY excited about!!  So, as I was reading last night before bed, I realized I never recapped the book challenge I did last year so, let’s talk about books today!

So, in the beginning of last year, I talked a bit about the 2015 Popsugar Reading Challenge and how a group of us were participating.  You all know how much I LOVE to read (and listen to audiobooks–you know, 3+ hour commute and all.) Well, I recently received my Goodread’s summary (where I track everything I read) of my year in books for 2015 and I ended up reading 116 books (I am a fast reader, and when I get into a book, I will literally devour it, sometimes in just one sitting/day.) I am seriously loving all the info-graphics companies sent out that synthesized our activities for the year.

While I didn’t hit every category in the 2015 challenge (which had 50 book categories,) there were many times that I read so far out of my normal comfort zone and I was really proud of myself.  These challenges are a fun incentive to diversify my reading and I was pleasantly surprised that I found some books I would never have normally picked up, that I ended up loving!  And…I read 116 books–given the year I had at work, I cannot believe it myself.

With that, I am going to do the 2016 challenge as well.

This challenge feels a lot easier than the categories from 2015, so I may even be able to get them all done…either way, my goal is to read 100 books this year…we are now 3 weeks into the year and I have already finished 4 books (almost 5) so I am off to a good start!


Question of the day

What is the last thing you have read?  Any recommendations?