My Work-Life from the Web Cam

By Inafarawaytree @EmilyJ_S

I’m going to drop the barriers of any kind of self respect and dignity that I’ve ever had (have I ever?) and  post some picture’s that I’ve just sat browsing through and that pretty much sum me up.

Work can be quite boring sometimes and whilst delving into a folder named ‘web-cam pictures’ I realised that I actually document my working life a hell of a lot more than I should!!

I have to apologise, I really don’t know why…

The ‘enjoying a healthy snack’ section:

(I’m not sure why I’ve made them into Emily & Kingsley Gingerbread men, but they look humiliated)

Still enjoying a healthy snack…

Getting more and more excited by these artery blocking treats…

The ‘posing/checking my makeup’ section:

Why am I doing this to myself?

Okay so the last three were possibly definitely today..posing..with my sunglasses

The ‘I’m not going to dignify it with a name’ section:

Looking my absolute best

What a great biscuit, thanks for sharing that with the class Emily

Fierce company fleece!

Enjoying a party at work

Possibly asleep

Well, there you go, there is no ice left to break!