My Week in Squares

By Crushland @crushland

Ideas and opportunities for posts have been few and far between lately, being so busy with family and work. Since my previous post was also from my Instagram feed, consider this a very bloggy filler post. 42Frothy, creamy latte at Woolworth’s cafe. I discovered the WW Food and Café in Belvedere Road, Claremont, only recently. Open till late! I popped in for a quick solitary lunch after a whole day of being at the shops.5And to go with that, a rotisserie-chicken on rye with honey mustard mayo and avo. I also bumped into one of my closest cousins, glowing and glorious with her baby bump, and after a chat announced it was her birthday. Fail.Revlon Lip ButterI’m in love with this Lip Butter from Revlon, in Pink Truffle. A stop at The Source for an Angel refill. This was my first time and it was a big deal okay.Just a minor op and he was very brave.I’ve started wearing specs again after many, many years (in public!) to give my oxygen-starved cornea a break from contact lenses. Buy one plate, get another free on Tuesdays at CTFM! This includes platters and individual plates.So we went wild.I was browsing the kids section at the library and saw Nancy Drew’s cool new cover. I remember the dusty hardcovers, the older the better.Thievery is rife in Pick ‘n Pay over Easter as you can see.Some patterns and prints from my bedroom.