You may remember me saying in last Fridays post that I had to cut my holiday short because I was a little ill. Well this mean that I got to spend pretty much a week alone at home.
During this one week I discovered a number of things.
1. Keeping a house tidy is easy – Now I don’t know about you but with a family of 4 of us, the house never looks overly tidy, mainly because me and my darling sister just fling our things everywhere and just dump them where we’re stood. However, being on my own means the house has remained so much tidier, I don’t know if this is because my sister makes the most mess, or if I was just much more conscious of the mess I created and tidied it up much sooner.
2. It’s scary – Living with other people provides plenty of background noise, whether it’s music playing or just someone mooching about in the bathroom. Being on your own is bloody scary, especially when it’s bedtime and you’re doing the run from the lounge to the door to check it’s locked and then running up the stairs. I am never in charge of locking the door, unless i’ve been out which lets be honest doesn’t happen all that often, plus I tend to get in when my folks are still up and they like an early bedtime.
3. Cooking becomes fun – Okay I’ve only had to cook 3 meals this week, but it has been fun! I got to plan my own menu, which was nice and meant I got to eat fresh foods that I like all week long. To be fair I can’t eat all that much that everyone else in my house eats which means I get limited to the same few meals week in week out, boring!! My mom tends to complain if I try to cook at the same time as her, yet insist we all eat together so I’ve given up with having varied foods. I do sometimes think my mom makes it her mission to give me the food I don’t like, so that she can then complain that I don’t eat vegetables* (*substitute for any other food group). I know what I like but she always chooses my worst ones, going with vegetables I hate broccoli but it ends up being used at least 3 times a week because it’s my sisters favourite, this week I’ve not seen it but still had plenty of veg inside me.
4. What happens if you find a spider? – I have a pretty big fear of spiders, and generally I just scream and my stepdad will come running and get rid of it for me. However, being on my own panicked me a little, what was I going to do if I found one? I worked it out, I was going to ring my bestie and make her come to get rid of it, it’s a bloody good job she loves me. Luckily I never found one, but each evening I do have a check for spiders before I can even get into bed.
5. Washing is minimal – By washing I mean plates and dishes and the like, I seem to sue the same few things, which means washing up is super quick and easy. On Friday I used the dishwasher and that was because I had Thursday’s dinner things, and everything from Friday, and I was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered washing up. I am so glad we do have a dishwasher though, washing up for 4 would not be fun at all, no one wants wrinkly hands!
6. Bathing in peace – I don’t know about you but having a bath without someone wanting to talk to you is bliss! Normally there’s someone banging on the door because they want a wee, or they’re trying to tell you something which has no importance when you’re enjoying some lovely bubbles and a good book. I managed to enjoy multiple baths and there was no one to moan if I wanted to complete a full book and just top up the bath.
7. It’s cold – Maybe it’s because I didn’t want to get in trouble for running the heating bill up, but it was bloody freezing this past week! My house has been at a constant 19.5 degrees and I was cold, I had my blanket on the sofa every evening. I’m not sure if 4 of us just create more heat anyway, but I was also too scared to light the fire in case I set the house alight, crazy I know seeing as we have a log burner, but I don’t want to be that one that burns the house down.
Overall I loved my week alone, so if someone wants to pay for me to move out then I’d be well up for it, but until then i’ll stick to living at home.