My University Life

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Welcome to the life of lectures, seminars and exams! Well that's what the last three months have all been about for me! Adapting back to Birmingham Uni Life is still a struggle, I am no drama queen when I say that life has changed dramatically since January 2013. Being thrown back into the cruel maiden that happens to be University has not been easy! Make your own opinion because I know its been another challenge, a challenge that I have been forced to accept but nonetheless I have tried by best throughout this semester! Here goes nothing .... 

February brought the beginning of my second semester of my third year at University College Birmingham. It was time to continue my studies on my BA Hons Hospitality and Tourism Management degree, the very reason that took me to Newark, USA for one year. Completing my 'Industrial Placement' professional file became my first task, the assignment deadlines loomed two weeks after our first lecture! This semester would bring changes that I completely welcome into my life, as much as I did not want to be back here I couldn't help feeling like I had never gone away. I just needed to wait for the mountain of assignments to be delivered and the drone of three hour lectures! Virgin Atlantic Airways can you take me back?!

This semester began with a bang! Back to studies and normality, I needed to dedicate myself to my studies as I failed my 'Financial Management' module from the previous year. Walking to university reminds me that I'm one step closer to graduating and making my first steps in the world of work, well for more than a year so I can pursue a career. This semester has been interesting and I wouldn't have changed it one bit, well not even my 'French' option but I shall mention that later on. University College Birmingham has been a good choice for me, I can say that my degree is currently on track and I have every confidence that the effort that I had put into my work this semester has been worthwhile. 

Like every other student across the country and beyond, we don't really like having mountains of work to complete in a short time. This semester I have had three modules to complete and hopefully pass! Starting with 'International Travel Operations' which has not been too tedious, the photo on the right is what my work desk looked like whilst I worked my way through the 2,500 word essay that wasn't actually that bad to write. One thing I must admit that getting back to grips of writing in the third person has taken some to get used to, I'm getting the hang of it again! I'm actually think that I've enjoyed the afternoons we've spent at Wetherspoons and O'Neill's for drinks! It's been a learning curb this semester because I have had to teach myself certain aspects of the academic side of things due to forgetting bits over the placement year. I'm keeping to the thinking that practice makes perfect, well I have another year to get my teeth into!

Managing Human Resources has been my core module, I'm not too fond of this module for many reasons! It's a bore because I do not see myself using any of the techniques and practices in my future, to add insult to injury I have to sit a two hour exam based on 'Performance Management' someone please help me! I'm off to France the week before the exam so I'm going to need all the luck I can get! From seminars and assignments I have got my option module, whilst out on placement me and my class chose our option module for the semester that we are currently finishing now. I chose 'Nature Tourism' as it appeared to one of the only tourism modules up for grabs, for my second choice I chose 'Lower Intermediate French' on the pretense I enjoyed French at secondary school. To my dismay my first choice fell through like many of my fellow students who had picked other modules that were on offer. I embraced my situation, I didn't want to complain, so I got on with my 'French' classes. I won't lie it's been very stressful at times but I achieved a B+ on my speaking test, not bad for my secondary choice. Vive La France! 

Being back in Birmingham has been an experience in itself, I can't deny its been great to be back! Living at 'The Maltings' again has been challenging because my flat has had issues with the cleanliness of the kitchen, people weren't ready for the return of the 'Britney Bitch! I have made a new friend since living in Vulcan house 1801, Lydnsey has become a good friend who I want to stay in contact with after the semester ends. Life has been a crazy ride of recent, getting back into the swing of studying and even revision has been challenging. Having the 'Mailbox' standing on my doorstep is great, it's no 'Manhattan' but it's how things have to be! 

This time around I opted to blog about Birmingham, noticing things about this city that I never noticed from first and second years of my time at 'University College Birmingham'. I have been acquainted with Birmingham's Westside and Southside, finding both areas to hold a new meaning because I know understand more about the areas that just existed before I embarked on placement. I'm looking to create a blog about 'Birmingham's' Eastside and Digbeth as both districts have been brought to my attention this semester. On my day off a couple of weeks again I ate at 'Chung Ying' Chinese restaurant, I was astounded by the quality of the food that I ate. For June I have booked tickets to see the ballet 'Coppelia' at 'Birmingham's' 'Hippodrome Theatre'. 'Birmingham' has proved me wrong, I now see a developing and cosmopolitan city before me. I'm no longer a 'Fresher' so I guess it's time to be more cultured!  

To ease the headache of assignments and seminars I have tried my best to travel whilst being back at University. I made my way to 'Birmingham Airport' on March 25th for my 'Ryanair' flight to 'Dublin, Ireland'. I went to 'Ireland' during my semester break to do a bit of exploring, also getting to squeeze in a day trip to 'Belfast, Northern Ireland'. This semester has seen me take the 'National Express' coaches for the first time from 'Birmingham' to 'Huddersfield' and 'Northampton'. I shall be back at 'Birmingham Airport' in a matter of 12 days for my 'Monarch' flight to 'Bordeaux, France'. I shall be visiting family for one week to return to my lovely 'Managing Human Resources' exam! I'm going to enjoy summer and get back to University to plan for my future, do I teach English in China or be a flight attendant hopefully in the Middle East ... so much to think about! Having the income to travel freely in America was great, but now that I have to rely on my 'Student Loan' things can be quite frustrating! It is what it is! Get over it and get on with! Tough love! 

This semester is now coming to an end, I just have one seminar and a presentation to accomplish! Oh! I must not forget my final 'French' exam and the dreaded 'Managing Human Resources' final examination! I have every confidence that I shall pass this semester with flying colours! I can't think about resits because I have to get to final year so I can tackle my dissertation and finally graduate in September 2014! From 'The Ironbound to 'The Maltings' ... It's been one heck of a journey, but I wouldn't of had it any other way! 

University College Birmingham I'm Back !!! Parlez Vous Français ??? Assignments and Exams !!!Joseph Harrison