Even a bun is massive now and weighs my whole head down, the only upside to it is I look like I’ve had an instant face lift when tying it up in a bun or pony.
Hair ties are starting to damage my hair now and I have a breakage line where I tend to tie or bun it up, which I HATE! I have however found a product that eliminates hair ties.
Im not even kidding, I have long thick hair that can stay in place with just one clip. Not a normal clip but the Mayar Clip.
All you have to do is twist your hair as you would like it whether it a bun down low, or high, twisted side pony or soft chignon style this clip can create it. You just have to twist it in clockwise and the look stays in place. Almost like you would when screwing in a nut or bolt. Then you just twist the other way to take out.
I will note though, when I want to make a high bun because I have so much hair I have to use a second clip on the other side to hold it up there and keep the weight.
Here are some of my Mayar twist pins looks-
These clips avoid any breakage to your hair and also stop those terrible kinks you get when using a hair tie.
FUN FACT: The unique flexible high yield coils move smoothly through ALL hair types including very thick, straight or curly hair which have the hold of 20 bobby pins.
The Mayar pins are usually $12.95 for a pack of two. But I have been lucky enough to offer my viewers a buy one get on free offer, which can be found down below :-)
BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! For a limited time we are offering you the chance to purchase one packet of MAYAR Twist’n pins and get one FREE.*Simply go to http://mayar-twist-n-pin.myshopify.com/Place the order for 2 packets of your choice and proceed to checkout using voucher codeFREEONE at the checkout.