My Trip to the Vet....Twice

By Kristy @mileydailyscoop
Well it was bound to happen, mom found a hot spot on me...

She said I had to go to the vets to get it shaved and cleaned was going to be really quick.

Nooooooo!!!! I tried to protest but off to the vets I went.
After a quick shave, the vet sent me home with some medicine to make sure there is no infection. Thirty minutes after taking it, I woke mom up.
I just didn't feel turned the lights on and a whole bunch of HBO words flew outta her mouth.

That's right, I blew up like a blowfish! After making sure I was breathing alright, being the typical blogger, mom grabs the camera.
Of course by this time the vets have closed and the nearest ER is 40 minutes away. So before I know it I had benadryl shoved down my throat and I was off on my 2nd trip to the vets!!! 

Here I am with dad after my first shot of benadryl.

And here I am planning my escape after feeling much better!

This place ain't so bad after all!!!

Maggie waited up for me til the wee hours of the morning. Actually, I think she was just wondering why she didn't get to go for a ride! BOL!

Today, I'm exhausted! Mom kept waking me up during the night to make sure I was ok.
She slept with a tiny flashlight under her pillow, guess it's better than that damn camera!
The one lesson I have learned through this whole ordeal:
There is no such thing as just a "quick trip to the vet".
And yes, I'll be milking this for allllll it's worth!