My Top 5 Hottest Food Trends for 2014

By The Dreams Weaver
I did some research on what the newest or most popular food trends for 2014 will be and came up with my top 5. I wonder if I will be daring enough to incorporate some of these trends into my upcoming recipes, or if the restaurants I frequent at will start adding these new trends to their dishes.
1. Eggs-cited!
Eggs placed on top of any food; burger topped with an egg, pizza topped with an egg (already saw this one on an episode of Diners, Drive Ins and Dives at a pizzeria in Minnesota.)
Eggs are nutritious, versatile, and can be worked into many dishes. It all started with the breakfast for dinner trend, which I still love, and more people are realizing how healthy eggs really are, in moderation of course.

2.Farm to Table
This trend started to become popular in 2013 as well. I have seen a lot of restaurants from the shows I watch on the Food Network featuring farm to table dishes. I feel this will continue to accelerate into 2014 as more people become more eco-aware and demand less processed, or chemically modified foods. Restaurants started growing their own vegetables and herbs either in a small garden or even on the roof of the restaurant, which I think is great! With the ingredients being the freshest they can be (even being picked literally minutes from you eating it) food will taste much fresher and better for your body without pesticides or other additives.
3.Tea Time, Not Just for 4 O’clock
Green tea has filtered its way into the American culture from the Asians. Green tea has many benefits, it was used in Chinese and Indian medicine to control bleeding and heal wounds, aid digestion, improve your health, and regulate body temperature. It has a lot of antioxidants as well as polyphenols that have anti-carcinogenic effects (more on green tea benefits HERE)
Green tea can be baked into virtually any baked good, sorbet, iced cream, and my favorite Japanese dessert- green tea mochi ice cream!

4. SuperKale to the Rescue
Kale, as well as many other super foods are power-packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and Omega-3s. Other super foods include: sweet potatoes, salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, beets, quinoa, flax seeds, and pomegranate.
Kales go great in salads, sauteed with spinach, or my favorite- baked kale chips!
5. Mediterranean Influence
Mediterranean food has had increasing popularity in the US in the past few years. One reason that I enjoy it is that it is rich in vegetable, lean proteins, healthy fats, and doesn't leave me feeling mad at myself after I eat it. Also, Greek yogurt is my go to breakfast. It is full of probiotics which are good for your digestive health and keep the bacteria in your gut healthy.
