Long time no blogging! Life really is busy with a little baby, plus we now have the internet fixed so it's back to blogging at least once a week now, yay! I have quite a few posts in the making for you all so keep checking back every few days for them :)
This post is about items I couldn't live without and that have helped me in the first 2 months of having a baby, all opinions are my own and credit goes out to the original source!
Lansinoh nipple cream
This is my number 1 essential, the first few weeks of breastfeeding for me were very painful, cracked bleeding nipples really isn't fun, especially before your milk comes in and baby is feeding for up to an hour on colostrum! It is a soothing cream which is also good for cracked lips as well! It is also safe for breastfeeding and you don't need to wash it off before latching baby on :). After a few uses I really felt the benefits, and although it doesn't claim to numb your nipples, it really makes breastfeeding ALOT more comfortable and almost pain free at the beginning :). You just rub a little on your fingers to soften it and then apply straight onto your nipple :)
Johnsons nursing pads
Yes another thing to do with nipples (well they do go through a lot) Ha. Once your milk comes in, your boobs may leak, for me I didn't actually leak until week 5 I think, when I was changing Abbie's nappy and felt wet on my leg..looked down and I was literally dripping everywhere! Usually when im feeding her my other boob will fill up and start pouring! You just pop them inside your bra and it soaks up all your leaking milk!
Always night maxi padsThese were perfect for post partum bleeding, they are thicker than your usual pads but they are comfortable and you feel really well protected. I used them all day, not just at night time.