My Top 10 Pet Peeves, Tips, and Thoughts About Being (or Hiring) an Interior Designer

By Irisinteriors @IrisHoulihan

Photo via ArtiDSGN

Our value isn’t always recognized. While I love my job and my clients, here are a few of my thoughts, and yes pet peeves, I’ve compiled into a top 10 list:

1)  Yes I do charge for an in-home consultation. Even my appliance repair person will not come to my home for free.

2)  My hair cut appointment and pedicures (at least in the summer) are necessities. A designer handbag or hiring an Interior Designer are luxuries. However no other luxury purchase will make you feel as good! (:

3)  Don’t tell me that your sister-in-law, who is great at decorating, will be approving all of my suggestions to you!

4) If you have a good eye and you are happy with your decorating skills, then go for it!

5) If you want an exceptional design, then call me (or another professional).

6) It makes me happy when you say, “I would have never thought of that!”

7) Interior Design is technical expertise, as well as talent and artistry. Think of it this way: anyone can buy a beautiful accessory or pick paint colors. What you do with it and how you present it is the question!

8) If you want a high-end look, it’s okay to mix in accessories from Home Goods, but for quality reasons custom window treatments will be a must!

9) The $3000 hand-knotted rug is a MUCH better investment than the $500 hand-tufted rug!

10) And lastly, yes I admit sometimes I watch a “stupid” movie or TV show simply because I am fascinated by the architectural setting or decor. (:

Photo via ArtiDSGN