My Three Year Old Might Be a Medical Genius.

By Mediocremom @mediocre_mom

The other night, the Nerd was hanging out on the couch, not feeling so hot. Smush came up, and the following conversation ensued, proving that not only have we spent far too much time discussing medical things, but that she’s obviously a genius.

Smush: Daddy, I’m the doctor. I need to listen to your tummy.

Nerd: Okay.

Smush: This is my otoscope. It lets me hear inside. I’m going to listen now…

(Puts “otoscope” – a random toy –  to Nerd’s stomach) 

Smush: It sounds sluggish.

Nerd: Oh really?

Smush: Yes. I have a diagnosis.

Nerd: What is it?

Smush: You have a case of yucky-otis.

We were both floored, and trying desperately not to laugh. Because yucky-otis is serious. And because after dinner, there’s a very good chance that the Nerd’s stomach was, in fact, sluggish. I love this kid.

She’s clearly brilliant, because I haven’t heard many three-year-olds use terms like “otoscope” and “sluggish.” We’ll just ignore the fact that given Goo’s predicament, we’ve spent far more time discussing medical things than most young families.  And that otoscopes aren’t used for stomach evaluations. I still say she’s a medical genius.

At least one of us has hopes of a promising career.