So I thought it was time to talk about my feeling of Bad Girls Club Redemption (which should be called All Star because these girls aren’t redeming themselves.) See where each girl ranks in my books below. And by girls I mean even the ones who left. Check it out below.
1. Camilla will probably be number one for the rest of the season. I’m biased whatever. She handled what Natalie said to her really well and she didn’t whoop Jada’s ass. She is showing improvement, even though she slide back into old ways.
2. Sarah… At first I didn’t like Sarah at first but right now I’m really like her. I can say I’m officially team Sarah. After Natalie and Judi left Sarah began to show who she really is and I’m here for it.
3. Danni her comments are so hilarious. She also seems to be the realist in the house. She doesn’t have time for the bull shit or the Jadas and Julies of the world.
4. Judi comes in number 4 because she got the voodoo for you tricks. Once Natalie left Judi stop being a follower and start getting on these girls nerves. I also like how she threatened the girls. Get it Judi!!!
5. Natalie has to round out the top 5 because she is BAD GIRLS CLUB. She brought the viewers. yes she was annoying but it’s Natalie. And I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I miss Natalie.
6. Rocky… she looks a Barbie and fights like Rocky lol. i like her still. I wish her and Sarah could of been friends instead of her beingfriends with Julie and Jada.
7. Redd… I think she did change, but she allowed her old ways to step in when she attacked Natalie. I wish she could of stayed longer. i wonder how she
8. Rima… I need to see more of her before I can really place her.
9. Julie… wack as phuck. I don’t like how she went to Danni’s parents and talked to them about their problems but not Danni. I’m sorry if a friend did that to me. Im ready to give them a good cussing out. So you can talk to my parents about me but not me. Nope Nope Nope. I would be ready to fight #justsaying.
10. Jada… I have no respect for her. I actually liked her last season and I think she came in second place. I can tell you right now her ass won’t be seeing anything higher than 9. I think she is whack and full of shit. If you abou