Now, more about the milk:
The Life of Dad guys are also hosting a Twitter party on 8/15 at 12pm EST, which will be co-hosted by Chris from Daddy Doctrines, Vincent from CuteMonster, and Eric from DiaryDad--all great blogs you should check out, by the way. During the Twitter party, 5 people will win "The Rock – Milk Prize Packs," valued at $98 per basket. There are special SuperMilkMan spoons, and masks, and clothes, and milk glasses and all sort of fun things to win, and you'll have to tune in to the Twitter party for more information. Just follow the #SuperMilkMan hashtag on 8/15 to join!
Now... Here's my entry, followed by the one The Rock did for the Superbowl. To be fair, his budget was bigger, and our lion tamer bailed at the last minute.