My Soap Story: Featuring Allet Soap

By Chaayen

Long-time readers would have known that I am a handmade bar-soap user for about a few years. Most people are very shocked when I share them this because most "modern" people prefer using gel shampoo and soaps. I have to say, I only started using them because my family has so much of it stored aside. During one of the spring cleaning, I felt too much was too much and I started using them. Haha. 
Some fun facts about handmade bar soaps, the presentation is always pretty (Check out Allet Soap's packaging!) The prices are always very reasonable, this is why they make perfect Christmas gifts (and also explains why I have so many of them. Hehe.) Before I started using the soaps, I always use them as wardrobe fresheners and boy do they make my wardrobe smell fabulous. 
Allet Soap: Lilac Lavender (S$10)
A common misconception that people have is that bar soaps are very unhygienic. The thing is you are not supposed to share them! Place your bar in a dish/ container and always wash away the excess suds away so that it doesn't form the harden soap base (yes my years of experience taught me this!) Generally, a bar can last for really long and you can save quite a bit of money, hehe!
It is true that bar soaps are less foamy than the gel soaps. However, if you notice organic gel soaps also don't foam as much. It is really because of the ingredient content of the soap. During my pregnancy, I actually changed/ stopped quite a bit of the products used. The only thing that I didn't have to change was the use of handmade soaps because the ingredients used are generally controlled and light on the skin.
Allet Soap: Bath Salts Rose Geranium (70g) (S$10)
The pregnant me has pretty much stopped all my facial/ massages. Recently, I started spa Friday where I re-create my own DIY spa with handmade body masks/ bath salts. Funny story, my body mask was bloody-red and it scared my Mum cos the toilet was stained slightly red after me. She thought I had a miscarriage LOL. For the bath salts, I either use them as a body scrub or sometimes as a soak for my feet when I am feeling fancy. 
And mummies, I swear it feels so good after you pamper yourself. The bath salts from Allet Soap comes in a nice bottle, with a wooden spoon. There are even flower petals scattered within it. After I started on my DIY spa regime, I do observe myself being much less of a grouch and more cheerful. Never under-estimate what chillaxing in the comfort of you own home can do! And for less than S$10 too!