My Simplistic Review Of How to Blog for Profit by Ruth Soukup

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

I subscribe to BookBub, and what BookBub does is send you emails when there are discounted ebooks on Amazon. You can set up the categories you’re interested in like Fiction, Non-Fiction, Historical, Poetry, Horror, Zombie Horror, De Voss, etc., and everyday you will receive an email with anywhere between 2 to 8 different ebooks ranging in price from free to usually no more than $5.

Monday’s email featured the ebook, How to Blog for Profit by Ruth Soukup. It normally costs $4.99 but was on sale for $.99. I usually just stick to the free zombie books, but due to recent life altering events, it seemed like it was a sign for me to buy.

I’m not expecting to make money off of this blog. I think the other blog I’m part of has a chance to make a couple of pennies. It has a lot of talented writers behind it. I’m not one of them, but I can ride coattails really well.

I mean I can really cling…like balled up saran wrap…

I’m just happy they include me because I kind of bring the intelligence quotient down over there, but every village has to have an idiot.

I bought the book for the marketing chapters, but decided to read it from cover to cover. It basically starts off from the aspect that you do not have a blog…

or you have a blog but don’t know what to do with it…

or you have a blog and you have about three readers…

two of them being your pet cats and the other your weird Uncle Stan…

or you saw my blog and thought;

“What? Do they give these blog things to any idiot who knows 23 of the 26 letters of the alphabet?”

Yes. Yes they do…and they are free…and you only need to know fifteen letters as long as ‘E’ is one of them.

My favorite advice from the book is, and I’m paraphrasing here; “If you want a great blog, have great content.”

Which is like saying; “If you want to win the sporting event you’re playing, score more than the other team.”


“If you want to win the war, have your side die less.”


“If you want to be a millionaire, get a million dollars.”

Side Note: I would like a million dollars.

What I read of the book isn’t bad, I’m not putting it down the ideas in it, but…


Now, to be fair to the book, so far I have only read two chapters.

But the other thing that kind of hit me in the face like a dead sea bass wearing a hulu skirt was this paraphrased statement,

Side Note: I just looked up what paraphrased means, so I’m planning on using it a lot.

“You need a clear direction. Randomness will turn off your readership.”

Well…that chaps both of my blogs like the inside of a slightly overweight teenage girl’s sweaty thigh on the 4th of July while waiting for Junior Barnes from down the street, who promised to kiss her during the finale of the Farmer’s Day  Firework Spectacular, but has yet to show up…and it’s getting close to finale time…and now she is suspecting that he just said that…and that he had no intention of kissing her during the finale or at any time of her life…which is really sad because she has liked Junior Barnes since Kindergarten when he first fell over a block tower she was making and he started to cry of embarrassment…but she didn’t think it was embarrassing, she thought he was cute.

Side Note: I tend to be random.

Ruth Soukup writes a blog about being thrifty while maintaining a family and a room full of assistants to help her maintain her blog.

Side Note: I want a room full of assistants to help me with my blog.

I think this book is more geared to help craft or recipe or mommy bloggers. There are a lot of those type of blogs out there, and I guess they are easier to sponsor since they are so specific in their content.

I personally read blogs that make me laugh or are random like mine.

So are random blogs marketable?


I’m sure the rest of the book is very helpful, I’ll let you know when I find time to finish reading it, or my randomness gets sponsored.


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Tags: 2013, art, blog, boobs, book review, entertainment, funny, humor, humor, random, rant, writing