My Self-Care Journey and Advice for Self-Care Week

Posted on the 18 November 2019 by Emily Underworld @emilyunderworld

It's Self-Care Week!

Did you know that the 18th - 24th November is self-care week?! I didn't until I saw the #SelfCareWeek hashtag on Twitter this morning.

Self-care is something I've always struggled with. I don't like to admit when I'm struggling, and I've always hated asking anyone for help because I don't want to burden anyone.

This had to change when I started having seizures. My flatmates and colleagues stepped up to help me (even when I insisted I was fine), and I had to learn to slow down and stop putting so much pressure on my self.

For self-care week, I've decided to write a little update on my self-care journey, and some advice that I hope is helpful for anyone who struggles with it like me!

Whenever I take any kind of personality test, I'm always described as a 'nurturer'. I love to take care of my friends and family, put others first and be a good listener. Sometimes this can go too far, for example when I've made plans with friends every day after work, then not letting myself rest enough. This often results in a flare-up of my lupus, or I get burned out from working 30 hours a week, spending time with friends, blogging, and studying. I've struggled mentally with 'relaxing', feeling like all of my evenings need to be filled with 'productive' hobbies, like learning Italian, writing blog posts, or teaching myself new skills.

This had to change. In the summer, I suffered a mini-stroke and ended up in Royal London Hospital. When I was put in a position where I literally had to rest and couldn't study, read, or work on my blog, I had to put myself first.

Spending time in nature is absolutely my favourite self-care method!
I will definitely take myself on a little walk for self-care week.

Things I Started Doing for Self-Care

1) I slowed down

I started walking more slowly. Why was I in a rush all the time? It's so simple, but this has helped my joint issues, and my mental health.

I also slowed down my aspirations. Everyone is on a different journey at a different pace, and I was too eager to finish my Master's degree and start my career. My health just wouldn't allow it. I was offered an extension from my university for my MA thesis and essays, which I initially refused to take. I had worked so hard and the finish line was so close, but I was convinced by my loved ones that it really was the best choice to accept it and graduate at a later date.

2) I spend more time at home

I do love to explore London and spend time out with my friends, but over the past few months I've found joy in staying at home, making my room a safe-haven away from the world, and making sure I get enough rest. My room is filled with candles, fairylights, books, and cosy blankets. It's perfect and I'm so grateful that I finally feel happy here.

3) I started saying no

I still struggle with this sometimes. When a friend I haven't seen in weeks or months wants to go out drinking or invites me to a party, I feel obliged to go. However, I've had to say no recently due to my health, and I'm glad I didn't push myself too far.

This doesn't just apply for going out. I love to help where I can, for example, proofreading essays, CV's or applications for my friends, but I've had to prioritise my own studies and recovery. I do sometimes feel guilty when I say no, but I know I need to stop spreading myself so thin.

4) I stopped drinking alcohol

This was necessary due to the medication I'm taking, but it's also been generally a good experience, not to mention better for my mental and physical health. I've enjoyed spending time going for days out, dinner, or simply coffee with my friends, instead of just drinking at the pub. When I do go out with my friends who drink, I've had alcohol-free options, and not stayed out as late. Plus, my bank balance is definitely appreciating this too!

I got some advice from self-care experts. For only £10.

I've mentioned how much I love Ultimate Bundles before, and I recently purchased another one of their limited edition bundles. This one is all about self-care*, something most of us need advice about! As I work with Ultimate Bundles as an affiliate, I was able to purchase this bundle early, but I thought I'd let you know about it now because it's self-care week!

The is a Black Friday deal and very limited, so if you're interested, make sure to order ASAP! It costs just $11.97 - equivalent to £10.22, and contains 4 eBooks, 2 eCourses, 2 Workbooks, 1 Video & 1 Membership Site, valued at $231.89.

Ultimate Bundles have a 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can pay with PayPal.

This deal is only available from Friday, November 29th until Tuesday, December 3rd.

Inside the Self Care Mini Bundle, you'll find:

  • The Busy Life Diet: Healthy Weight Loss for Women on the Go - It's designed to help you focus on weight loss strategies that help most women lose weight in a healthy way and in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Clear Skin Secrets: 12 Steps to Clear Skin, Naturally - This guide teaches you to understand your skin and create lasting clear skin radiance.
  • Nourishing Nature: Beauty Recipes from the Garden - Discover natural beauty recipes for a daily cleanser, body mist, lip scrub, toner, anti blemish serum, whipped body butter, and more.
  • The Literary Medicine Cabinet: Your Guide to Self-Care Through Good Books
  • Healthy Aging Class Pack: Healthy Moving to Help You Feel Amazing in Your Body Today and for Decades to Come - The exercises included in this class will help you improve your strength, flexibility, balance, energy and mobility.
  • Women's Health Masterclass - In the Women's Health Masterclass, you'll discover how to nourish your body, so you can "look good, feel good, and do good" at every stage of your life!
  • SAHM Casual Wardrobe Basics Builder - The ultimate guide to building a functional, fashionable wardrobe that works for your everyday life.
  • Maximize Your Morning Routine
  • My Yearly Self Care Planner - It's a check in, a gentle reminder that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your family.
  • Self Care Workbook: For the Fiercely Independent Soul - Designed to help you grow into a regular practice of self-care, this workbook will help you get clear on what you will no longer stand for and reclaim time for the commitments that matter to you.
  • Plus, you get time-saving cheat sheets for free!

You get ALL these resources for $11.97. It costs so little to invest in yourself... isn't lower stress and more joy so worth it? I'm so glad I finally invested time and energy into prioritising myself.

Do you prioritise self-care?

Let me know your advice for self-care week!

All the best,

* This blog post contains an affiliate link to Ultimate Bundles, but this is not sponsored and all opinions are my own.