My Scandinavian Christmas Day 23

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
If you're just joining The House That Lars Built, for the 24 days leading up to Christmas I asked my favorite Scandinavian bloggers how they celebrate Christmas in their respective countries. We've had such tremendously beautiful responses (see here). Today I'm happy to show off my talented family. 
So, all throughout this "My Scandinavian Christmas" journey, you might have asked...well, how do you, Brittany, bring in the Scandinavian-ness to the holidays? Good question. This year is a bit different because we moved to America last week. Needless to say, packing took priority over decorating (how rude!) so I don't have much to show. HOWEVER, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Scandinavia had in fact infiltrated a bit into the Watson household when we arrived to my parent's place in Southern California (notice the Mexican paver tiles). My sister had painted these faux Christmas boxes with some Scandinavian-inspired folk patterns in white and then topped them with candy-cane striped wire ribbon. Not particularly Scandinavian, but very clever, my mom used painting paper from Lowe's for all her wrapping paper this year, including the bows. My mom's a very clever one.
Paul showed me how to make some Danish paper hearts to top off the tree.
One more day left of My Scandinavian Christmas! And don't forget to enter the last Danish Design giveaway (today is the last day!).