My Sale Picks

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I’ve had a quick browse through some of the sales that are available at the moment, and i’m going to share with you some of the products which will most likely be hitting my basket when I go sales shopping!

I think we’ll start with skincare, I’ve got into my skincare during 2013 so a lot of my favourites list features skincare products. However, I am choosing just 3 of my picks to share with you.

Ole Henriksen – Firm Action Mask | Occo Markocija – Wild Meadow Body Treatment Mask | Lulu’s – Derm Warfare Night Serum

I’ve wanted to try Ole Henriksen for a while, and I think a face mask is probably the best way to go because it’s something I treat myself to and I have a number on rotation so I won’t use it up super quick and need to replace it. The Occo Markocija body mask is something I haven’t really seen, and so I think it would be interesting to try out. I really need to add a serum to my skincare routine, and this one jumped out at me as I was searching through all of the products, and it is supposed to help keep your skin hydrated.

Next we’re moving on to bath time and relaxing! I love having a bath, and I usually use Lush products because I love them, however it’s nice to change things up a little.

Aromatherapy Associates – Relax Light Bath and Shower Oil | This Works – Beauty Ball Sleep Balm | Aromatherapy Associates – Essential Bath and Shower Oils

I’ve heard lots of good things about Aromatherapy Associates but I’ve never tried anything from them, I think the Relax oil would be a great one for when you’re wanting to have that me time and just enjoy yourself in the bath. I find it quite difficult to switch off at night, I’m always checking my phone for tweets and the like, I do wonder if the Sleep Balm would work to help me get off to sleep and the only way to find out is to try it! Another product from Aromatherapy Associates this set of 3 oils would be the ideal way to try out some of their oils without committing yourself to a larger bottle, you can see which you like best.

Now we’re onto hair, as you may know at the beginning of October I had my long hair chopped off, I was planning on growing it long again, now that all the split ends and bleached hair had gone, however I love it short and so I’m planning on keeping it that way. I’m still on the hunt for products which will help keep my hair looking ace.

Prive – Shining Weightless Amplifier | Tangle Teezer – Compact Styler | Sexy Hair – Big Root Pump Plus Humidity Resistant Spray

The Prive and the Sexy Hair products are both designed to add volume to your hair, something which mine is severely lacking, and I’ve been on the hunt to find something which will give me that oomph and make my hair look fabulous. I’ve never had hair which is particularly knotty but i’ve been admiring the Tangle Teezers for a while now and I think they’ll be much better to use when my hair is wet rather than the hairbrush I have at the moment.

Last but not least I bring to you my makeup picks from the sales so far, as I write this I’ve yet to see what Santa has brought me, but I know what i’ll be hoping to pick up alongside the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette!

Urban Decay – Vice 2 Palette | The Balm – Nude ‘Tude Eyeshadow Palette Naughty | Real Techniques – Sam’s Picks Collection

Do I really need more eyeshadow palettes? The answer is no, but I love the look of both of these Vice 2 features a number of bright colours but they are still wearable, I’ve seen Georgina create some wonderful looks on her instagram. Nude ‘Tude is obviously another nude palette but the packaging is just so gorgeous and is all I need to make me want it in my collection. If I’m going to get 2 more eyeshadow palettes then I definitely need some more makeup brushes, Sam’s Picks contains some of my favorite Real Techniques brushes and having extras will just be super handy, and within this collection their is also an exclusive brush, therefore I must have it!

I haven’t shopped around to find these at their cheapest prices, so that’s something you may want to do if you’ve spotted something which you fancy popping in your basket.

What are you planning on picking up in the sales?

Tink x