My Running Story: Live, Life, Run! by Anonymous

By Cebufunrun @cebufunrun

Ive been running for a total of 7 years. I started in 2007, after reading a article on dean karnazes. During that time he was running 50 marathons, in 50 different states. I figured if he could run 50, then i could atleast do 1. I started training, and fell in love with the environment. It even got me outdoors often, to sight see and travel. It turned into a huge stress reliever as well. Being in the military for 11 years, and being away from family, it was the best cure for me. I'm inspired by many, including beginner runners, that set goals, and achieve their goals. I currently run with a local group in honolulu (runners route). I'm inspired by their stories, during our group runs, and the many new runners that we pick up. I believe that running is one of the greatest things in life, and i would love for everyone to love it as much as i do. I believe that anyone that hates running, is probably not doing it right. Live, life, and go run!

Note: To whoever submitted this story please provide us your Name if possible. Thanks!