My Review of

By Shanesbookblog @shanesbookblog

This is my review i did of and my opinion of that i Posted on as my first review.

Let me know what your opinion is of my review. Feedback is greatly appreciated…even if you hate it, go ahead and tell me so that i can maybe improve whatever it is you dislike about my review in future posts so that i can refine my ability’s and hopefully become a better writer and reviewer. is a free open source website that Features blogging tools and a content management system, CMS based on PHP and MySQL with tons of  features including a template system,plug in architecture, and over 200  Themes that you can customize and in my opinion has the easiest Tools to  build, Manage and design a blog and or Web Site. is different from other blog hosting/self hosting company’s and  websites. You don’t have to download software, pay for hosting, or  manage a web server to use Instead, you can focus on  creating awesome content!

WordPress  is a life saver for me being new to social media and new to the  blogging community. It is free to join WordPress and to create and  customize your own Blog but they do offer premium features such as  premium themes and extra storage as well as the option to pay so that no  ads are intruding on your posts and your blogs content…They don’t  exactly get in the way of your content but it is certainly nice to not  have any unwanted ads running on your blog (which is something I highly  recommend you buy and upgrade if you are serious about your blogging and  are particular and somewhat picky about the design of your Blog like I  am. The Reason they display ads on your blog is because there Web site  is free to use and to create your own blog and to post and manage your  own content so they have to make their money to keep everything up and  running somehow and this is one of the ways they do that. They have tons  of other features as well including upgrade packages that are designed  to save you money on bundling up on the upgrades.

I  am a Writer, a blogger, and a book reviewer who loves to read books and  document my experience and journey as a new writer and an aspiring  author. No other Web Site that I have come across is as easy to learn  and become fluent in as WordPress and no other open source Web Site for  bloggers is as simple to use.

 A huge advantage I  believe WordPress has over other similar Web Sites and company’s who  host blogs is that they actually care about there members and customers  in my opinion and they set out to help them as much as they can and to  create articles explaining each feature and answer every question thrown  at them in the forums section. The Posts they have explaining how to  use each feature and each widget have remarkable readability and teach  you how to do some pretty complicated things in a simplified way that  you can easily understand with no blogging or Web Site building or  coding experience what so ever.

 I  will always love WordPress and it’s Employees simply because they truly  CARE about the bloggers and Web Site owners and they want to make  everyone’s experience as good and efficient as they possible can without  any complicatedly impossible Tech Terms or Hoops to jump through. I  Highly recommend WordPress if you are thinking about making a blog or  Web Site because you simply won’t find a better company or platform that  is totally free to host your Blog and or Web site that has easy to  understand instructions and a Team of highly trained professionals ready  to help you in the forums,over the phone and on Live chat services, or  by email. To See an example of a customized Premium WordPress Theme  ($50) that is running the Pro Bundle upgrades (100$) or to see a  WordPress blog in general you can come and check out mine, Here is the  Link:

Books & Technology Reviews

Written by: William Shane Ellis,   “Blogger Extraordinaire”  >=]