My RCA Secrets 2013

By Waynechisnall @WayneChisnall

The sale of the RCA Secret 2013 postcards has been up and running for some hours now so I'm guessing that it's safe to reveal my 3 entries for this year. And to all the brave souls who have queued (not to mention the hardened few who camp out over several nights) through the rain and cold, I salute you! 

This one I definitely know is safe to reveal as I received a text this morning from the lucky person who jammily won (via the RCA Secret's 'first 50 places raffle') second place in the queue, telling me that the person in front of him had bagged it. It was number 1435 in the exhibition, and is probably my most 3D postcard entry to date. For anyone that knows my recent sculptural work it probably wasn't the most difficult piece of mine to spot in the the show. To construct the piece I cut and interlocked the wooden sections to form a box and carved the front to create the orifice section. Inside I placed a mirror to give the postcard the illusion of being internally deeper than it is externally. Hopefully the mirror also adds an unexpectedly fun element as upon initial inspection, the viewer might not expect to suddenly be confronted with their own reflection looking back at them from within the box. 

I'm not not sure what number this postcard was in the show, but it's adapted from an idea that I have for a tall, thin, wooden framed, tower sculpture that I'm planning to build. The eventual sculpture will incorporate a human skull that I acquired from an antiques dealer that I got chatting to whilst I was in the green room at a TV studio for a Channel 4 programme, 'Four Rooms', that is about feature one of my sculptures. 

As I mentioned earlier, this year I only entered three postcards into the RCA Secret. I normally enter more as my (not quite) alter ego, Chig. But this year I didn't receive any cards addressed to my nickname so entry number 1210 (one of the cards entered under my given name) is probably closer to previous drawings that I've entered as Chig. It's much more instinctive and free flowing.